Aquila books HAS acquired the entire remaining stock of
Bibliotheca Australiana, The Argonaut Press, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, and a number of
individual titles from the publisher, Nico Israel of Amsterdam
Bibliotheca Australiana (BA)
This extensive series of facsimile editions chronicles four hundred years of Pacific
exploration, from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the highly organized
scientific expeditions of the nineteenth century. For each work the most important edition
The Argonaut Press (AP)
Facsimile editions of classics of travel and exploration. ALL ITEMS IN THE SERIES ARE
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum (AT)
Facsimile editions of rare atlases and pilot books. ONLY LIMITED ITEMS IN THIS SERIES ARE
Extra Series
In addition the above series, a number of other important reprints and original works
published by Nico Israel are available.
All books in these series are printed on fine, durable paper and sturdily bound. The many
maps and charts have received special attention. The bindings are uniform for the first
two series.

See the price list of these Nico Israel Publications.
The Bibliotheca Australiana (BA), Argonaut Press (AP), and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum (AT)
volumes are listed alphabetically in separate editions of the catalogue. Each volume
should be ordered by the BA, AP, or AT number followed by author and title. Remaining
titles should be ordered by N.I. number, followed by author and title only. For further
ordering instructions see our
This extensive series of exact facsimile editions
chronicles four hundred years of Pacific Exploration, from the beginning of
the 16th Century to the highly organized scientific expeditions of the 19th
Century. For each work, only the most important edition was
reproduced. each volume is bound in matching simulated velum, with
stamped titles.
One complete set of the published Bibliotheca Australiana is available.
This complete set includes all the BA series titles listed below [ 43
titles, in 65 volumes ] with the exception of BA 48, and BA 65, which were
never published. All titles in this complete set are in as new
condition, most still in their original wrapping and box from the publisher.
This is an excellent opportunity to acquire this important set of
increasingly rare titles. see
ARAGO, Jacques - BA, vol. 45 -
[# 100 - 039] Narrative of a Voyage round the World, in the Uranie and Physicienne Corvettes, commanded by Captain Freycinet, during the years
1817-1820. London, 1823. (1970). 26 x 20 cm. Two parts in one. 628 pp., with a world
map & 25 plates. Simile vellum. The principal object of Freycinet's expedition was
the investigation of the shape of the earth, and of the elements of terrestrial magnetism.
After having visited the Cape of Good Hope, the expedition sailed to Western Australia and
on to Hawaii. Over 50 pp. relate to Guam and nearly 100 to Hawaii. New South Wales was
then visited also. see prices
BEECHEY, Frederick William - BA, vols. 34-35 [ # 100 - 008] Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific
and Beering's Strait. London, 1831. (1968). Two volumes. 22.5 x 14 cm. 954 pp., 23
plates, of which 4 fold; 1 portr.; 3 maps, of which 2 fold. Simile vellum. An
extremely important voyage, as Beechey, in cooperation with Franklin and Parry, was
attempting to locate a North-West passage. Beechey discovered several South Sea Islands;
he also visited Tahiti and Pitcairn, where he met John Adams, survivor of the Bounty
mutiny. Adams' lengthy account of this mutiny is included in Beechey's narrative. see prices
BENNETT, Frederick D. - BA, vols. 46-47 [ # 100 041] Narrative of a Whaling Voyage round the
Globe, from the year 1833 to 1836. Comprises sketches of Polynesia, California, the Indian
Archipelago, etc. With an account of Southern Wales. London, 1840. (1970). Two volumes.
22.5 x 14 cm. 822 pp., with fold. map & 2 plates. Simile vellum. This is one of
the only two works on the whale fishery which Herman Melville considered to be of any
value. During his three years' voyage many South Sea Islands were visited, as well as
California. see prices
BETAGH, William (not published) - BA, vol. 48 - A Voyage round the World. Being an
account of a remarkable Enterprise, begun in the year 1719, chiefly to cruise on the
Spaniards in the Great South Ocean. London, 1728. (1970). 22.5 x 14 cm. 360 pp., with a
map & 4 plates. Simile vellum. Narrative of Shelvocke's buccaneering expedition by
the captain of marines. Betagh does everything possible to discredit Shelvocke's own
account of the same expedition (see BA, vol. 71). see prices
BOUGAINVILLE, Louis de - BA, vol. 12 - [ # 100 - 068] A Voyage round the World. Performed by Order
of His Most Christian Majesty, in the Years 1766-9. Translated from the French by John
Reinhold Forster. London, 1772. (1967). 26 x 20 cm. 504 pp., with 5 maps. Simile
vellum. First English translation of the account of one of the earliest scientific
expeditions into the South Sea and the beginning of French explorations in Australasia. see prices
BROSSES, Charles de - BA, vols. 1-2 [# 100 - 351] Histoire des Navigations aux Terres
Australes. Contenant ce que l'on sçait des moeurs et des productions des Contrées
découvertes jusqu'e à ce jour; (etc.). Two volumes. Paris, 1756. (1967). 26 x 20 cm.
1,016 pp., with 7 maps. Simile vellum. One of the outstanding works relating to the
early history of Australasia. Brosses claims in this work that France should settle
Australia. see prices
BROUGHTON, William Robert - BA, vol. 13 [ # 100 - 349] A Voyage of Discovery to the North
Pacific Ocean in which the Coast of Asia, from the Lat. of 35' North to the Lat. of 52'
North, the Island if Insu (commonly known under the name of the Land of Jesso), the North,
South and East Coasts of Japan, the Lieuchieux and the adjacent isles, as well as the
coast of Corea, have been examined and surveyed. Performed in His Majesty's Sloop
Providence, and her Tender in the years 1795-98. London, 1804. (1967). 26 x 20 cm. 416
pp., with 9 maps & plates. Simile vellum. The author visited Nootka and sailed
down the coast of California; in further explorations he solved what La Pérouse had first
attempted, the puzzle of the Aleutians, Japan and Korea. see
BURNEY, James - BA, vols. 3-7 - A Chronological History of Voyages and Discoveries
in the South Sea, or Pacific Ocean; (etc.). London, 1803-17. (1967). Five volumes. 26 x
20 cm. 2200 pp., with 45 maps & plates. Simile vellum. This important and
comprehensive work brings the history of Pacific discovery down to 1764.' (Hocken, New
Zealand Bibliography, pp. 30-4). see prices
BURNEY, James - BA, vol. 49 - A Chronological History of the North-Eastern Voyages
of Discovery; and of the early Eastern Navigations of the Russians. London, 1819.
(1969). 22.5 x 14 cm. 318 pp., with 2 fold. maps. Simile vellum. The work contains
accounts of voyages by the English, Dutch, Danes and Russians, in search of the North-east
passage to India and China, Kamchatka, and discoveries in the Polar Seas. The Russian
accounts relate among many others to the Spangberg and Walton voyages to Japan, the
voyages of Bering and Tscherikow, and those to the Aleutian Islands, the N.W. coast of
America, etc. see prices
CALLANDER, John - BA, vols. 8-10 - Terra Australis Cognita; or Voyages to the Terra
Australis or Southern Hemisphere, during the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth
Centuries (etc.). Edinburgh, 1766-68. (1967). Three volumes. 22.5 x 14 cm. 1972 pp.,
with 3 maps. Simile vellum. A work of great importance and value on the early history
of Australasia, including Terra del Fuego, Southern Patagonia, the Falkland Islands, etc.
Some of the 41 accounts appear here for the first time in English.
CAMPBELL, Archibald - BA, vol. 50 - A Voyage round the World from 1806 to 1812; in
which Japan, Kamchatka, the Aleutian Islands, and the Sandwich Islands were visited
(etc.). With an account of the present state of the Sandwich Islands, and a vocabulary of
their language. Edinburgh, 1816. (1970). 22.5 x 14 cm. 288 pp., with a fold. map.
Simile vellum. An account of Campbell's journey to China and Japan, among the Aleutian
Islands and along the coast of Alaska. Of great value is his description of the Sandwich
Islands, to which he added a vocabulary of the language. After a shipwreck Campbell got
both feet frozen which made amputation necessary. A report of the surgeon who undertook
the operation is added. see prices
CHEYNE, Andrew (not published) - BA, vol. 65 - A description of the Islands in the
Western Pacific Ocean, north and south of the Equator; with sailing directions. London,
1852. 22.5 x 14 cm. 208 pp. Simile vellum. The author visited the Loyalty Islands, New
Hebrides, New Caledonia, Carolines, Cook Islands and many other islands in the course of
trading voyages under his command. The account deals with the produce and the languages of
the various islands. see prices
COLNETT, James - BA, vol. 36 - A Voyage to the South Atlantic and round Cape Horn
into the Pacific Ocean, for the purpose of extending the Spermaceti Whale Fisheries, and
other objects of commerce, by ascertaining the ports, bays, harbours, and anchoring berths
in certain islands and coasts in those seas at which the ships of the British merchants
might be refitted. London, 1798. (1968). 26 x 20 cm. 206 pp., with 2 plates & 7
maps, all fold. Simile vellum. Colnett, Captain of the Rattler, visited the Galapagos
Islands twice, and also explored the coasts of Chile and Peru. As he had accompanied Cook
on his last voyage, Colnett frequently discusses his old commander in the course of his
narrative. see prices
COOK, Captain James - BA, vol. 14 - A Journal of a Voyage round the World in H.M.S.
Endeavour, in the years 1768-71. Containing all the various occurrences of the voyage with
descriptions of several newly discovered countries in the Southern Hemisphere (etc.). To
which is added a concise vocabulary of the language of Otaheite. London, 1771. (1967).
26 x 20 cm. 144 pp. Simile vellum. An extremely important anonymous work,
surreptitiously published two months after the return of the Endeavour, and nearly two
years before Hawkesworth's eagerly awaited account. The author remained unnamed, but was
probably one of the civilians on board, who died in Batavia. (See also MARRA: BA, vol. 15
and RICKMAN: BA, vol. 16). see prices
(COOK, Capt.) William ELLIS - BA, vols. 55-56 - An authentic Narrative of a Voyage
performed by Captain Cook and Captain Clerke, in H.M. Ships Resolution and Discovery
during the years 1776-1780; in search of a North-West passage between the continents of
Asia and America. Including a faithful account of all their discoveries, and the
unfortunate Death of Captain Cook. London, 1782. (1970). Two volumes. 22.5 x 14 cm. 726
pp., with a fold. map & 13 plates. Simile vellum. One of the first published
accounts of Captain Cook's third voyage during which he discovered the Sandwich Islands
and acquired many data on Alaska and the N.W. coast of America. In defiance of the
Admiralty's insistence that no private journal of this voyage be retained, Ellis was the
only Englishman who had the temerity to admit authorship. The fine plates, drawn by the
author, who was Assistant Surgeon, are among the earliest published on these areas. see prices
(COOK, Capt.) John MARRA - BA, vol. 15 - Journal of the Resolution's Voyage, in
1771-1775. On discovery to the Southern Hemisphere, by which the non-existence of an
undiscovered continent, between the Equator and the 50th degree of Southern Latitude, is
demonstratively proved. Also a journal of the Adventure's voyage in 1772-1774. London,
1775. (1967). 22.5 x 14 cm. 342 pp., with 1 fold. map & 3 plates. Simile vellum.
The very rare account of Cook's Second Voyage, published surreptitiously and anonymously
abut eighteen months before Cook's own account. It is extremely valuable, as many of the
incidents related form an important addition to those of Cook's official account. see prices
(COOK, Capt.) John RICKMAN - BA, vol. 16 - Journal of Captain Cook's last Voyage to
the Pacific Ocean, on Discovery; performed in the years 1776-1779, (etc.). Faithfully
narrated from the original MS. London, 1781. (1967). 22.5 x 14 cm. 466 pp., a fold. map
& plates. Simile vellum. This anonymous journal of Cook's Third Voyage anticipated
the Government's authorised account by two years. see prices
(COOK, Capt.) Heinrich ZIMMERMANN - BA, vol. 73 - Heinrich Zimmermanns Reise um die
Welt mit Capitain Cook. Mannheim, 1781. (1973). 22.5 x 14 cm. 112 pp. Simile vellum.
With Rickman's account the earliest published journal of Cook's last voyage. One of the
most interesting narratives of this voyage. see prices
COOKE, Edward - BA, vols. 51-52 - A Voyage to the South Sea, and round the World,
perform'd in the years 1708-11. By the ships Duke and Dutchess of Bristol. Containing a
Journal of all memorable Transactions (etc.). A description of the American coasts, from
Tierra del Fuego to California. London, 1712. (1971). Two volumes. 22.5 x 14 cm. 808
pp., with 30 maps, plates & tables, many of which fold. Simile vellum. Edward
Cooke was second captain on board the Dutchess, on a richly rewarding buccaneering
expedition round the world. It is generally supposed that De Foe took his 'Robinson
Crusoe' from the account here given of Alex. Selkirk. The second half of vol. 52 contains
sailing directions for the American coasts. see prices
DALRYMPLE, Alexander - BA, vol. 11 - An Historical Collection of the several
Voyages and Discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean (etc.). London, 1770-71. (1967). Two
volumes in one. 26 x 20 cm. 580 pp., with 16 plates & maps. Simile vellum.
Relating entirely to the discoveries made in the area between South America and New
Guinea, the narrative being literal translations from the Spanish and Dutch authors. see prices
DILLON, Peter - BA, vols. 53-54 - Narrative and successful result of a Voyage in
the South Seas, to ascertain the actual fate of La Pérouse's Expedition. London, 1829.
(1971). Two volumes. 22.5 x 14 cm. 820 pp., with 1 fold. map & 2 fold. plates, of
which one in colour. Simile vellum. The result of this voyage was the solving of the
mysterious loss of La Pérouse and his expedition. After having found articles which once
belonged to La Pérouse, Dillon was appointed by the Bengal Government to the survey
vessel Research for further investigation. He found the wreck of one of La Pérouse's
ships and brought the news back to Dumont d'Urville, who was then staying at Hobart Town. see prices
DIXON, George - BA, vol. 37 - A Voyage round the World; But more particularly to
the North-west coast of America London, 1789. (1968). 26 x 20 cm. 440 pp., with 21
plates & maps. Simile vellum. Captain Dixon is remembered for his voyage round the
world in the Queen Charlotte, during which particular attention was paid to the N.W. coast
of America where Dixon discovered and named the Queen Charlotte Islands. The work is
dedicated to Sir Joseph Banks. see prices
FLEURIEU, Charles Pierre - BA, vols. 23-24 - A Voyage round the World, performed
during the years 1790-92 by Etienne Marchand. London, 1801. (1969). Two volumes. 26 x
20 cm. 1122 pp., with 9 plates & maps. Simile vellum. This French circumnavigation
... was preceded only by Bougainville's. It added considerably to the scanty knowledge of
N.W. America and included a scholarly survey of earlier maritime explorers.' (Wright
Howes, US-iana.) At the end of the account is appended an important nautical,
hydrographical, and astronomical treatise, together with accounts of the fishes, shells,
birds, and plants, etc. observed during the voyage. see prices
FUNNELL, William - BA, vol. 57 - A Voyage round the World. Containing an Account of
Captain Dampier's Expedition into the South-Seas in the Ship St. George, in the Years 1703
and 1704. Together with the Author's voyage from Amapalla on the West-Coast of Mexico, to
East-India. London, 1707. (1971). 22.5 x 14 cm. 344 pp., with 5 maps & 9 plates.
Simile vellum. Funnell published the first account of Dampier's expedition round the
world. His narrative contains much that was disapproved of by Dampier. see prices
GILBERT, Thomas - BA, vol. 44 - Voyages from New South Wales to Canton, in the Year
1788. With views of the islands discovered. London, 1789. (1968). 26 x 20 cm. 102 pp.,
with 4 plates. Simile vellum. A notable voyage during which the Gilbert Islands were
discovered and explored. see prices
HAMILTON, George (not published) - BA, vol. 66 - A Voyage round the world, in His
Majesty's Frigate Pandorra, Performed under the Direction of Captain Edwards in the years
1790-92. With the discoveries made in the South Sea. Berwick, 1793. 22.5 x 14 cm. 164
pp., with a portrait. Simile vellum. Captain Edwards, sent out in search of the
mutineers of the Bounty, found and arrested them. Some discoveries were made on this
voyage, among which Ducie Islands, Lord Hoods Islands and Tureia. Hamilton was the
Pandorra's surgeon. see prices
HEARNE, Samuel - BA, vol. 25 - A Journey from Prince of Wale's Fort in Hudson's
Bay, to the Northern Ocean. London, 1795. (1968). 26 x 20 cm. 504 pp., with 9 plates
& maps (all fold.). Simile vellum. This account of a difficult and perilous
expedition - partly over land - is filled with topographical descriptions and information
on the Indians of the area. Moreover, the whole last chapter is devoted to a detailed
examination of the local flora and fauna. see prices
HOWAY, Frederick W., (ed.) - BA, Extra Series II - The Dixon-Meares Controversy. Toronto,
1929. (1969). 24 x 16.5 cm. 168 pp., with 8 maps & plates. Simile vellum. Both
Dixon and Meares commanded trading vessels in the early days of maritime fur trade; both
arrived for the first time on the N.W. coast of America in the summer of 1786, and both
made numerous discoveries during their expeditions in that area. In 1790, Meares published
his triumphant 'Voyages,' in which he recalled his involvement in the 'Nootka Sound
Controversy' and boasted of his exploratory ventures in North America. Dixon contended
that this account was largely false and that Meares had claimed credit which rightly
belonged to others. Howay's synthesis of this bitter controversy includes Dixon's 'Remarks
on the Voyages of John Meares,' Meares' refutation of these charges, and Dixon's 'Further
Remarks on the Voyages of John Meares. see prices
HOWAY, Frederick W., (ed.) - BA, Extra Series I - Voyages of the Columbia to the
Northwest Coast 1787-1790 and 1790-1793. Boston, 1941. (1969). 24 x 16.5 cm. 518 pp.,
with illustrations including portraits & maps. Simile vellum. Captains Kendrick
and Gray were commissioned by a group of wealthy East Coast merchants to lead the first
American maritime expedition engaged in fur trading between the N.W. Coast and China. In
1787 their ships, the Washington and the Columbia, sailed from Boston. The venture
promised commercial success until Captain Kendrick reneged on his contract, sold the
Washington and pocketed the money. The Columbia, under Gray's command, returned to Boston
in 1790, becoming the first vessel to carry the Stars and Stripes around the world. During
the second voyage of the Columbia, begun in May 1791, Captain Gray discovered and named
the Columbia River. Howay's book is a compilation of essential primary sources dealing
with these two voyages, including 4 journals, let ters between the captains and their
backers, and the remnant of the official log of the Columbia (May 7-21, 1792), which
covers the discovery of the Columbia River. see prices
KOTZEBUE, Otto von - BA, vols. 17-19 - A Voyage of Discovery, into the South Sea
and Beering's Straits, for the purpose of exploring a North-East Passage. London, 1821.
(1967). Three volumes. 22.5 x 14 cm. 1258 pp., with 16 maps & plates, 8 of which in
colour. Simile vellum. First and best edition in English of the account of an
important Russian circumnavigation. In addition to its Arctic interest it also relates to
the discovery of various South Sea Islands, Hawaii, California, and the N.W. Coast of
America. The geological and biological observations are interesting too. see prices
KOTZEBUE, Otto von - BA, vols. 20-21 - A new Voyage round the World in the years
1823-1826. With an introduction by A.J. von Krusenstern. London, 1830. (1967). Two
volumes. 22.5 x 14 cm. 720 pp., with 6 plates & maps. Simile vellum. This account
describes the second voyage, from Russia to Brazil, Chile, Tahiti, Pitcairn, etc., to
Kamschatka, and returning via New Archangel, California, Hawaii, Marianas, Philippines and
St. Helena. In addition a review of the zoological collection of specimens encountered
during the voyage. see prices
KRUSENSTERN, A.J. von - BA, vols. 38-39 - Voyage round the world in the years 1803,
1804, 1805 & 1806. London, 1813. (1968). Two volumes. 26 X 20 cm. 768 pp., 3 plates
& maps, 2 in colour. Simile vellum. An important work, being the official account
of the first Russian expedition round the world, under Krusenstern and Lisianski, during
which many important discoveries and rectifications were made, especially in the region of
Japan. see prices
KRUSENSTERN, A.J. von - BA, vol. 76 - Atlas to Captain Krusenstern's voyage round
the world. (Russian text). St. Petersburg, 1813. (1974). 64.5 x 47 cm. 104 engraved
plates, 37 of which in colour; 8 maps & 4 views on double pages. Sturdy cloth
portfolio. The Atlas accompanies the account of the first Russian circumnavigation of
the world under the command of Krusenstern, together with Captain J.F. Lisianski, on the
vessels Nadezhda and Neva. This atlas is of importance for the charting of the North
Pacific, including the Aleutian Islands and particularly the area around Japan. Moreover,
this Atlas also contains a large number of representations of objects in the field of
natural history common to this whole area. The original Atlas, of the utmost rarity,
engraved and printed at the Printing Office of the Imperial Navy in St. Petersburg in
1813, was published in both Russian and German. The copy used for this facsimile is from
the TENRI Library at Narra, Japan. see prices
LABILLARDIERE, Jacques-Julien H. de - BA, vol. 67 - An account of a Voyage in
search of La Pérouse, undertaken by order of the Constituent Assembly of France, and
performed in the years 1791-1793, in the Recherche and Espérance, Ships of War, under the
command of Rear-Admiral Bruni d'Entrecasteaux. London, 1800. (1971). 26 x 20 cm. 560
pp., with fold. map & 45 plates. Simile vellum. Though not succeeding to bring
home any news of the ill-fated La Pérouse expedition, the voyage was of considerable
importance. Labillardire gives the first scientific description of the New Zealand
flax. He describes the visits paid by the expedition to Tasmania, New Caledonia, Solomon
Islands, New Guinea, Amboyna, Tonga, New Zealand, etc. Includes botanical and zoological
descriptions. see prices
LANGSDORFF, G.H. von - BA, vols. 40-41 - Voyages and Travels in various parts of
the World, during the years 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806 and 1807. London, 1813-14. (1968).
Two volumes. 26 x 20 cm. 800 pp., with 42 maps & plates. Simile vellum. Langsdorff
accompanied Krusenstern on the first Russian expedition around the world. At Kamschatka he
parted company with the main expedition and visited the Russian parts of the N.W. coast.
He further explored the Aleutians, and paid a lengthy visit to California; the major part
of the second volume concerns his stay at San Francisco.
LISIANSKY, Urey - BA, vol. 42 - A Voyage round the World in the years 1803, 1804,
1805 & 1806. London, 1814. (1968). 26 x 20 cm. 412 pp., with 14 plates & maps,
of which 10 in colour. Simile vellum. Highly important work on Sitka, Kodiak and other
parts of the N.W. coast. The author, commanding the Neva, accompanied the great Russian
expedition under Krusenstern. see prices
LÜTKE, Fyodor P. - BA, vols. 58-61 - Voyage Autour du Monde, exécuté par ordre
de Sa Majesté Nicolas Ier, sur la Corvette La Séniavine dans les années 1826-1829.
Paris, 1835-36. (1971). Three volumes of text (volumes I & II ed. by F. Boyé, volume
III by A. Postels). 22.5 X 14 cm. 1206 pp., with 6 maps & 2 plates, of which some
fold; and a folio atlas, 38 pp., with 5 maps & 51 plates, some fold. Simile vellum.
Lütke's expedition left Cronstadt in 1826, sailing by Rio de Janeiro, Cape Horn and
Valparaiso. They reached Sitka, Alaska, in June 1827, staying there for over a month. Then
the expedition sailed to the north, stopped at Unalaska in the Aleutian Islands and got as
far north as St. Matthew's Islands in Behring Sea. Wintering in the Caroline Islands in
1828, the eastern coastline of Russia bordering on Behring Sea, as far north as Behring
Strait, was explored. The plates, drawn by Kittlitz and engraved by Engelmann, are the mos
t beautiful portrayals of scenery and people ever made of the visited regions. see prices
MEARES, John - BA, vol. 22 - Voyages made in the years 1788 and 1789, from China to
the North-West Coast of America. To which are prefixed, an introductory Narrative of a
voyage performed in 1786, from Bengal, in the Ship Nootka; Observations on the probable
existence of a North-West passage; and some account of the trade between the North-West
Coast of America and China; and the latter country and Great Britain. London, 1790.
(1967). 26 x 20 cm. 596 pp., 1 portrait, 27 maps & plates. Simile vellum. The
claim of Great Britain to Oregon was based on this publication. Much relates to the
Hawaiian Islands. see prices
MORTIMER, George - BA, vol. 68 - Observations and Remarks made during a Voyage to
the Islands of Teneriffe, Amsterdam, Maria's Island near van Diemen's Land; Otaheite,
Sandwich Islands; Owyhee, the Fox Islands on the North-West Coast of America, Tiniam, and
from thence to Canton. In the Brig Mercury, commanded by John Henry Cox. London, 1791.
(1975). 26 x 20 cm. 96 pp., including 3 plates. Simile vellum. From Maria's Island,
Tasmania, Captain Cox sailed into the Pacific and one of the most interesting points about
the book is the early account of the famous mutiny on H.M.S. Bounty. The voyage was partly
undertaken for fur trade between the N.W. coast of America and China. see prices
MÜLLER, S. - BA, vol. 26 - Voyages from Asia to America, for completing the
discoveries of the North West Coast of America, etc. London, 1761. (1967). 26 x 20 cm.
128 pp., with 4 maps, 2 of which fold. Simile vellum. Most important contemporary
account of Bering's discoveries, by a scientist attached to his second expedition.'
(Wright Howes, U.S.iana.) Includes a summary of the voyages made by the Russians on the
frozen sea, in search of a North East passage. see prices
NARBOROUGH, John - BA, vol. 62 - An account of several Late Voyages and Discoveries
to the South and North. Towards the Streights of Magellan, The South Seas, the vast Tracts
of Land beyond Hollandia Nova. Edited by Tancred Robinson. Dedicated to Samuel Pepys.
London, 1694. (1970). 22.5 x 14 cm. 442 pp., with 19 plates, many with botanical and
zoological representations; 2 fold. maps & table. Simile vellum. This volume
contains one of the earliest accounts in English of Tasman's voyage in 1642, during which
New Zealand and Tasmania were discovered. Its other interest lies in the description of
the passage through the Strait of Magellan which was used by later navigators, a.o.
Bulkeley and Cummins with the Wager survivors. see prices
PÉRON, François - BA, vols. 69-70 - Mèmoires du Capitaine Péron, sur ses
Voyages aux Côtes d'Afrique, en Arabie, à l'île d'Amsterdam, aux îles d'Anjouan et de
Mayotte, aux Côtes Nord-Ouest de l'Amèrique, aux îles Sandwich, à la Chine, (etc.). Paris,
1824. (1971). Two volumes. 22.5 x 14 cm. 704 pp., with 6 maps & plates. Simile vellum.
Péron was a fur carrier from the N.W. coast of America to China. He gives particulars
concerning parts of British Columbia, Queen Charlotte and Vancouver islands and the
Indians there. He also describes California, where he sailed on the Otter, the first
American ship to visit California, Hawaii and the Sandwich Islands. His visit to Australia
fills up 31 pp. A contemporary English translation of this work does not exist. see prices
PÉROUSE, Jean de la - BA, vols. 27-29 - A Voyage round the World, performed in the
years 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, by the Boussole and Astrolabe. London, 1799. (1968).
Two volumes text (26 x 20 cm.) and folio atlas. 1156 pp., 71 plates & 7 maps. Simile
vellum. This major expedition stands amongst the most important of the 18th and 19th
centuries. Describes first visit of a foreigner to missionary establishments in Upper
California. see prices
PORTLOCK, Nathaniel - BA, vol. 43 - A Voyage round the world; but more particularly
to the North-West Coasts of America. London, 1789. (1969). 26 x 20 cm. 436 pp., with
portrait, 20 plates & maps. Simile vellum. Portlock was captain of the King
George, which, accompanied by the Queen Charlotte under Dixon, successfully completed this
major journey of exploration. Portlock's account of the venture enhances and broadens the
perspective provided by Dixon's narrative. see prices
ROGERS, Woodes - BA, vol. 63 - A cruising Voyage round the World; First to the
South Seas, thence to the East Indies, and homeward by the Cape of Good Hope. Begun in
1708, and finished in 1711. London, 1712. (1970). 22.5 x 14 cm. 520 pp., with 5 fold.
maps. Simile vellum. A buccaneering classic. Capt. Woodes Rogers' expedition,
consisting of the Ships Duke and Duchess of Bristol, set sail on August 2, 1708. Sailing
around Cape Horn California was visited, whence the expedition crossed the Pacific to
Asia. The general assumption is that Defoe used Rogers' account of Alexander Selkirk's
four-year stay on the Island of Juan Fernandez for his 'Robinson Crusoe. see prices
SARYTSCHEW, Gawrila - BA, vol. 64 - Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the
North-East of Siberia, the Frozen Ocean, and the North-East Sea. London, 1806-1807.
(1970). Two volumes in one. 22.5 x 14 cm. 152 pp., with 3 fold. & 2 coloured plates.
Simile vellum. Sarytschew's account of the Billing expedition for the Russian
Government of 1785. Sarytschew was the surveyor on this expedition, during which Alaska
and the Aleutians were carefully charted for the first time.
SHELVOCKE, George - BA, vol. 71 - A Voyage round the World by the way of the Great
South Sea, perform'd in the years 1719-1722 in the Speedwell of London. London, 1726.
(1971). 22.5 x 14 cm. 512 pp., with fold. map & 4 plates. Simile vellum. Sailing
in 1719 with an expedition to prey on Spanish ships, Shelvocke gave his superior officer
the slip and proceeded on his own account. On this voyage occurred the incident of the
albatross which Coleridge used in his 'Ancient Mariner.' After sailing along the coast of
South America, he sailed up to California, where he noticed that the soil might contain
gold. Then he crossed over to China from where he returned to England. Arrested on two
charges of piracy, he was acquitted and shortly after went to the European continent - a
wealthy man. see prices
THOMAS, Pascoe - BA, vol. 72 - A True and Impartial Journal of a Voyage to the
South-Seas, and round the Globe in H.M. Ship the Centurion, under the Command of George
Anson. London, 1745. (1971). 22.5 x 14 cm. 404 pp. Simile vellum. All the material
incidents of this voyage, from its commencement in the year 1740 to its conclusion in
1744, are fully and faithfully related, having been committed to paper at the time they
happened. Anson's official journal was published in 1748.
VANCOUVER, George - BA, vols. 30-33 - A Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific
Ocean, and round the World. London, 1798. (1967). Three volumes and an atlas. 1510 pp.,
37 plates & maps. Simile vellum. This work ranks with the Voyages of Cook and La
Pérouse ... (It) is of the greatest importance for the early history of California,
Vancouver Island, the coast of British Columbia and northwards, as well as for the
Sandwich Islands. (F.B. Maggs, Voyages and Travels in all parts of the World.)
Out of Stock
WAKEFIELD, Edward J. - BA, vols. 74-75 - Adventure in New Zealand from 1839 to
1844; with some account of the beginnings of the British colonization of the Islands.
London, 1845. (1971). Two volumes. 22.5 x 14 cm. 1048 pp., with 1 large fold. map. Simile
vellum. Wakefield went to New Zealand with the first settlers in the Tory in 1839 and
remained there until 1844, keeping his diary about the proceedings of the settlers. One of
the most important works on the early settlement of New Zealand.
BEST, George V. - AP, vol. 15 - The three voyages of Martin Frobisher. In search
of a passage to Cathay and India by the North-West, A.D. 1576-8. From the original 1578
text of George Best. Together with numerous other versions, additions etc. Now edited,
with Preface, Introduction, Notes, Appendices and Bibliography by Vilhjalmur Stefansson.
With the collaboration of Eloise McCaskill. London, 1938. (1971). Two volumes bound in
one. 25.5 x 20 cm. 598 pp.; portrait; 19 maps & views, some fold. Simile vellum.
Frobisher, the rediscoverer of Greenland and reviver of sailings to north-eastern America.
The New World was discovered by whoever discovered Iceland.
(CABOT) - James A. Williamson (ed.) - AP, vol. 7 - The Voyages of the Cabots and
the English Discovery of North America under Henry VII and Henry VIII. London, 1929. 26
x 20 cm. 304 pp., with 13 maps. Simile vellum. Many fundamental transactions of human
history are obscure, but few are so imperfectly recorded as the discovery of the shores
and islands of the Atlantic Ocean by European navigators. The present volume differs in
form from the others of the series. There is no major narrative of the English discovery
of North America comparable to Drake's 'World Encompassed' or Raleigh's 'Guiana.' The
story lies in a heterogenous collection of short pieces, administrative documents,
contemporary letters and extracts from histories and commentaries written in the XVIth
century. see prices
CARON, François & Joost SCHOUTEN - AP, vol. 14 - A true Description of the
Mighty Kingdoms of Japan and Siam. Reprinted from the English edition of 1663; with
Introduction, Notes and Appendices by C.R. Boxer. London, 1935. (1971). 25.5 x 20 cm.
328 pp., with a portrait and 19 maps (of which 2 fold.) & plates. Full simile leather.
This work has a double object in view. In the first place it purports to give a critical
review of one of the best sources for the history of 17th-century Japan and Siam, to wit,
the descriptions of those countries compiled by François Caron and Justus Schouten in
1636, and translated into English by Captain Roger Manley 27 years later. The secondary
aim of this work is to help readers to obtain some notion of the predominant part played
at the time by the Dutch East India Company in the Far East, as exemplified in the career
of one of its most remarkable servants, François Caron. For this edition the old English
edition of 1663 has been used with scrupulous fidelity, and carefully annotated. see prices
CHARDIN, Sir John - AP, vol. 3 - Travels in Persia. With an Introduction by Sir
Percy Sykes. London, 1927. (1971). 25.5 x 20 cm. 320 pp., with 9 maps & plates.
Simile vellum. The travels of Sir John Chardin in the second half of the seventeenth
century mark the culmination of a remarkable period during which Persia, under the rule of
the Safavi dynasty, attracted to her court Europeans of distinction. Chardin not only
traveled far and wide and studied Persia and its people profoundly, but realised a
handsome fortune from his dealings in jewelry. When he decided to return home in 1677, he
widened his experiences by following the route via the Cape of Good Hope. see prices
COLUMBUS, Christopher - AP, vol. 9 - The voyages of Christopher Columbus, being the
journals of his first and third, and the letters concerning his first and last voyages, to
which is added the account of his second voyage written by Andres Bernaldez. Now newly
translated and edited, with an introduction and notes by Cecil Jane. London, 1930.
(1970). 25.5 x 20 cm. 348 pp. & 5 maps. Simile vellum. The introduction gives the
scope and an evaluation of the historical sources of the person and the activities of
Christopher Columbus. see prices
DAMPIER, William - AP, vol. 2 - A new Voyage round the World. With an Introduction
by Albert Gray. London, 1927. (1970). 25.5 x 20 cm. 416 pp., with a portrait, 3 maps
(fold.) and illustrations, also in the text. Simile vellum. Dampier's 'New Voyage' on
its first publication in 1697 won immediate success, and has ever since maintained its
place in the front rank among the most notable records of maritime adventure. The work is
an extensive contribution to the geographical and ethnographical knowledge of its time.
The work influenced Swift's 'Gulliver's Travels. see prices
DAMPIER, William - AP, vol. 11 - Voyages and Discoveries. With an introduction and
notes by Clennell Wilkinson. London, 1931. (1971). 25.5 x 20 cm. 348 pp., with 4 fold.
maps. Simile vellum. The present volume contains an introduction and notes of the 1729
collected edition of 'Dampier's Voyages.' It is valuable alike to the student of
exploration, navigation and comparative anthropology. The 'Discourse of Winds' has been
entrusted to A.C. Bell, late of the Hydrographic Survey.
DRAKE, Sir Francis - AP, vol. 1 - The World Encompassed and analogous contemporary
documents concerning Sir Francis Drake's circumnavigation of the world with an
appreciation of the achievement by Sir Richard Carnac Temple. London, 1926. (1971).
25.5 x 20 cm. 300 pp., 1 fold. map. Simile vellum. The contents of this volume are in
themselves such excellent reading that it seemed advisable to print them as they stand
without annotation, trusting that readers will find all the information they want in Sir
Richard Temple's preliminary essay. see prices
GUARMANI, Carlo - AP, vol. 16 - Northern Najd. A journey from Jerusalem to Anaiza
in Quasim. Translated from the Italian by Lady Capel-Cure. With introduction and notes by
Douglas Carruthers. London, 1938. (1971). 25.5 x 20 cm. 180 pp., illustrations & 2
maps, one of which fold. Simile vellum. Guarmani was one of the earliest European
travelers to visit Central Arabia. The translation is made from the original Italian text
of 1866. Guarmani went, commissioned to buy Arab stallions for the French Government and
for the King of Italy, to Najd. He had a wider vision than the average horse-coper, and he
records an interesting tale of conditions in the Desert Peninsula at a moment when the
rival dynasties - Rashidan and Saudian - were contending for supremacy. The book is a
revised edition of that originally published by the Arab Bureau Cairo - for official use
only - in 1917, and considering the comparative rarity of this edition as also of the
original Jerusalem text, the present rei ssue by the Argonaut Press should be of interest
to all, especially to those familiar with Arabia and its people.
HAMILTON, Alexander - AP, vol. 8 - A new account of the East Indies. Now edited
with introduction and notes by Sir William Foster. London, 1930. (1970). Two volumes in
one. 25.5 x 20 cm. 528 pp., with 10 fold. maps & 12 plates. Simile vellum. The
importunes of Hamilton's account of his experiences in the East (1688-1723) is shown by
the fact that one can scarcely find a modern work dealing with the history of the
geography of Asia for that period which does not contain references to his book. As
regards the present issue, the text adopted is that of the first edition (1727), and the
only alterations are those in the case of obvious misprints, such as transposed letters.
All the original illustrations have been reproduced, though in some cases on a reduced
scale. Notes have been put at the end of each volume. see prices
HAWKINS, Sir Richard - AP, vol. 13 - The observations of Sir Richard Hawkins.
Edited from the text of 1622, with introduction, notes and appendices by James A.
Williamson. London, 1933. (1970). 25.5 x 20 cm. 282 pp., 3 maps (2 fold.). Simile
vellum. This is Hawkins' narrative of his voyage to Florida, the West Indies, and
through the Straits to Chile in 1593 and 1594. He plundered Valparaiso, but was taken by
the Spaniards at San Mateo. After his release in 1602 he wrote his memoirs as a treatise
on the conduct of plundering expeditions to Spanish America. In addition to its historical
importance the work gives one of the best pictures of Elizabethan sea life. It has a
considerable influence upon modern literature, particularly since it became accessible by
its republication. The present edition is made from the 1622 edition. It therefore
includes the errors occurring in the primary edition, but these, where recognised, are
commented upon in the footnotes or in the introduction. see prices
POLO, Marco - AP, vol. 6 - The most noble and famous travels of Marco Polo,
together with the travels of Nicolò de'Conti. Edited from the Elizabethan translation of
John Frampton with introduction, notes and appendices by N.M. Penzer. London, 1929.
(1971). 26 x 20 cm. 444 pp., with 12 maps & plates, 1 fold. Simile vellum. The
existence of an Elizabethan translation of the Travels of Marco Polo will probably come as
a surprise to the majority of readers. The present edition aims at supplying a long-felt
want in Polian research--a series of maps embodying the latest work and discoveries of
explorers and cartographers. The editor has been able to construct 11 entirely new maps.
He has provided the work with extensive notes to considerations of Frampton's text, and to
any fresh light that has been shed on the vexed question of Polo's itineraries. The work
has an exhaustive index. John Frampton's translation from the Castilian of Santaella
originates from a ms belonging to the Ven etian recension which is one of the most
important of all the Polian recensions. see prices
(RALEIGH, Sir Walter) - V.T. Harlow, ed. - AP, vol. 12 - Ralegh's last voyage.
Being an account drawn from contemporary letters and narratives, both Spanish and English,
of which the greater part is now made public for the first time, concerning the voyage of
Sir Walter Ralegh, knight, to Guiana in the year 1617 and the fatal consequences of the
same. London, 1932. (1971). 25.5 x 20 cm. 380 pp., with a portrait & 2 fold. maps.
Simile vellum. The circumstances of Ralegh's final enterprise have been the subject of
heated controversy ever since he himself produced his 'Apologie' and James I responded
with the Declaration. The justification of the present volume lies in the fact that it
brings together for the first time all the important letters and official documents of
English origin relating to the episode, a number of which were not known to previous
writers, and at the same time presents entirely new evidence drawn from contemporary
Spanish sources. (See also RALEIGH: AP, vol. 5. ) see prices
RALEGH, Sir Walter - AP, vol. 5 - The discoverie of the large and bewtiful Empire
of Guiana. Edited from the original text, with Introduction, Notes and Appendixes of
hitherto unpublished documents by V.T. Harlow. London, 1928. (1971). 26 x 20 cm. 288
pp., a portrait & 2 fold. maps. Simile vellum. Sir Walter Raleigh has suffered
alternately from such extravagant adulation on the one hand and from such unjustified
abuse on the other, that one turns with some eagerness to a study which is based
throughout on original research ... Not everyone will agree with the view expressed in the
introduction with regard to the inner meaning of Raleigh's fatal adventure in 1617; but it
will be hard to deny Mr. Harlow's main contention that the Guiana project, taken as a
whole, was essentially one of territorial expansion. Its importance, therefore, was
ultimately as great as Raleigh's enterprise in Virginia. (See also HARLOW: AP, vol. 12.) see prices
A SPANISH VOYAGE - AP, vol. 10 - to Vancouver and the North-West Coast of America
being the narrative of the voyage made in the year 1792 by the Schooners Sutil and
Mexicana to explore the Strait of Fuca. Translated from the Spanish and with an
introduction by Cecil Jane. London, 1930. (1970). 26 x 20 cm. 156 pp., with 7 plates
& maps, of which 2 fold. Simile vellum. The account of the expedition of the
schooners Sutil and Mexicana to the N.W. Coast of America was originally printed in 1802
by Martín Fernández de Navarrete. The narrative is anonymous, but internal evidence
suffices to prove that it was written by one of the officers attached to the expedition,
on the Sutil. There is some reason for the assumption that this unknown officer was
probably the cartographer on this vessel. Narratives of voyages to discover a N.W. passage
from the Atlantic side are familiar to all, but the efforts of the Spaniards to find such
a passage from the Pacific are much less known. see prices
VARTHEMA, Ludovico di - AP, vol. 4 - The Itinerary of Ludovico di Varthema of
Bologna from 1502 to 1508. As translated from the original Italian edition of 1510 by John
Winter Jones, in 1863 for the Hakluyt Soc. With a discourse on Varthema and his travels in
Southern Asia by Sir Richard C. Temple. London, 1928. (1970). 26 x 20 cm. 206 pp., 5
maps & 2 illustrations. Simile vellum. Sir Richard Temple adopts the translation
of John Winter Jones from the original 1510 edition. For the notes he used the remarkable
ones of G.P. Badger, but has subsequently gone his own way in commenting on Varthema's
story. Even where passing over ground traversed by earlier European explorers, his keen
intelligence frequently adds valuable original notes on peoples, manners, customs, laws,
religions, products, trade, methods of war, etc. Ludovico de Varthema is a real discoverer
for the Arabias and the Indian Archipelago. Sir Richard Temple has used for this edition,
besides the works of Jones and Badg er, those of Richard Eden, Ch. Schefer and A. Bacchi. see prices
BARENTSZ, Willem - A.T.1 - Caertboeck Amsterdam, 1595. (1970). 43 X 30 cm.,
XXII, 134 pp., including illustrated title page, coastal profiles and 10 charts. A
rutter for the Mediterranean, with Dutch text, compiled by the famous Artic explorer, and
derived from an Italian original. It is the first rutter for the Mediterranean with
printed charts, which were engraved by Pieter van der Keere and Jodocus Hondius. This sea
atlas may be considered the logical sequel to the two parts (Eastern and Western
Navigation) of Lucas Jansz. see prices
BERLINGHIERI, Francesco - A.T.2 - Geograhia Florence, 1482. (1966). 45.5 X 30
cm. XIV, 372 pp., including 31 maps. Covers Europe, northern Africa and the sound part of
Asia. The first atlas to attempt the introduction of modern geography: four new maps -
France, Italy, Spain and Palestine - being based on contemporary knowledge. The text by
Berlingheiri is a metrical papphrase of Ptolemy, and it is the first atlas in the Italian
language. It is also the only edition with maps printed on the original Ptolemaeic
projection with equidistant parallels. see prices
BORDONE, Benedetto - A.T.3 - Libro... de tutte l'Isole del Mondo Venice, 1528.
(1966). 32 X 22 cm., XII, 166 pp., including 110 charts. Covers Europe, western Africa,
northern South America and the Caribbean First edition of Bordone's famous 'Book of
Islands', probably completed in manuscript as early as 1521. Of the maps, 9 relate to
America, including the famous view of 'Temistitan' (Mexico) before its destruction by
Cortex. see prices
BOUGUEREAU, Maurice - A.T.4 - Le théatre François Tours, 1594. (1966). 44.5 X
29 cm., XVI, 90 pp. including title page, engraved frontispiece and 16 maps. This rare
volume constitutes the first national atlas of France. The maps are by Gabriel Tavernier
and others. Only seven copies of this atlas are known. see prices
CORONELLI, Vincenzo - A.T.5 - Libro dei Globi Venice, 1693 (1701). (1969). 50 X
34.5 cm., XXII, 296pp., including engraved frontispiece, decorated title page, 132
engravings of globe gores and a portrait of Coronelli Between 1691 and 1697 the
celbrated Italian globemaker Father Vincenzo Coronelli collected into a volume, the gores
and other related engravings of his terrestial and celestial globes. see prices
KEERE, Pieter van den (Petrus Kaerius) - A.T.6 - Germania Inferior Amsterdam,
1617. (1966). 45.5 X 30 cm., XVIII, 154 pp., including engraved title page and 25 maps.
Pieter van den Keere (born 1571) worked in London and in the publishing firm of his
brother-in-law J. Hondius before he opened his own establishment.
LAZIUS, Wolfgang - A.T.7 - Austria Vienna, 1561. (1972). 42.5 X 30 cm., XXVIII,
198 pp., including an ornamental title page and 12 maps. Wolfgang Lazius (Latz)
(1514-1565) was the most important Austrian cartographer in the 16th century. The work
here is reproduced in facsimile constitutes the first printed Atlas of Austria. see prices
MAGINI, Giovanni - A.T.8 - Italia Bononiae, 1620. (1974). Folio., 24 pp. text,
61 maps on 119 leaves. Magini (1555-1617) first interested himself in the works of
Ptolemy, and edited the Italian edition of the 'Geographia' (1596). He did not live to see
the publication of his work, which was published by his son at his own expense. see prices
MERCATOR - HONDIUS - JANSSONIUS - A.T.9 - Atlas for A Geographicke Description
Amsterdam, 1636. (1968). 46.5 X 31 cm., 2 vols., XXVII, 408, 496 pp., including
illustrated title pages, portraits and 195 maps. The only edition of the Mercator -
Hondius altas with English text. Published by Henricus Hondius and Joannes Janssonius, it
was their response to an edition of the maps on Hondius' 'Atlas minor' brought out by a
London bookseller in 1635 with a different English text.
OGILBY, John - A.T.10 - Britannia London, 1675. (1970). 40 X 27 cm., XIV, 248
pp., including a map of England and Wales and 100 road maps. 'Britannia' embodied the
first original survey of the main roads of England and Wales. This work exerted
considerable influence on the development of British cartography.
PTOLEMAEUS, Claudius - A.T.11 - Cosmographia Rome, 1478. (1966). 44.5 X 30 cm.,
XIV, 248 pp. including 27 maps. The original edition is important in regard to the
accuracy of the maps which are finely engraved after the Greek manuscript of Ptolemy,
preserved at Vienna; it is also the only book known with the address of Arnold Buckinck. see prices
PTOLEMAEUS, Claudius - A.T.12 - Cosmographia Venice, 1511. (1969). 43 X 30 cm.,
Xii, 184 pp., including 28 maps. This is the earliest edition of Ptolemy's
'Geographica' in which the text and maps were revised throughout in the light of modern
knowledge; and it is the second edition to include a modern world map. This edition of
'Geographia', the first to be printed in Venice, is of particular intrest in history of
map printing. see prices
QUAD, Matthias - A.T.13 - Geographisch Handtbuch Cologne, 1600. (1969). 28 X 20
cm., XXXX, 332 pp. including 82 maps. The first german edition, which is now thought
to have been produced prior to the Latin edition. Quad's atlas is the first world atlas
produced by a German author. see prices
ROGGEVEEN - GOOS - A.T.14 - The Burning Fen I Amsterdam, 1675. (1971). 46 X 30
cm., XVI, 202 pp., including coastal profiles and 34 charts. The first printed West
Indian Pilot, published as a sequel to the three part of Goos' well known 'Sea Mirrour'.
It was the prototype of the pilot guides for Americ produced by Johannes van Keulen (1683)
and by John Thornton (1689). see prices
ROGGEVEEN - GOOS - A.T.15 - The Burning Fen II Amsterdam, 1687. (1971). 46 X 30
cm., XII, 112 pp., including coastal profiles and 18 charts A pilot for the West
African and Brazilian Coasts, originally designed by Arent Roggeveen prior to 1675 but
apparently not printed before 1685. see prices
SANUTO, Livio - A.T.16 - Geografia... dell' Africa Venice, 1588. (1965). 34.5 X
32 cm., X, 388 pp., including 12 maps. One of the most important publications upon
Africa issued in the XVIth century. It contains a beautifully engraved title and maps of
surpassing accuracy, partly drawn on a special modification of the Donis projection. see prices
(SELLER, John) - A.T.17 - The English Pilot, The fourth book...from the River
Amazons to New-found-land... London, 1689. (1967). 51 X 30 cm., XX, 146 pp., including
20 charts. In 'The English Pilot' the London chart and instrument maker John Seller
planned a sea atlas to compete with the Dutch publishers who then dominated the market.
'The Fourth Book', the rights to which were transferred by Seller to William Fisher, was
published in 1689 width charts by John Thornton, hydrographer to the East India Company.
Thirty-seven editions up to the year 1794 have been identified. This is the earliest sea
altas of English origin 'to deal exclusively with American waters'. Only two copies of the
first edition are known. see prices
SELLER & PRICE - A.T.18 - The English Pilot, V London, 1701. (1973). Folio.,
211., 42 pp., text and 21 double page charts. The first issue of Seller's charts of
West Africa. At least 8 editions were published, the last as late as 1780. see prices
THORNTON, John - A.T.19 - The English Pilot, The third book London, 1703.,
(1970). 46 X 30 cm., XVI, 225 pp., including 35 charts. About 1675 John Seller began,
but never finished the printing of 'The Third Book', dealing with the 'Oriental
Navigation'. The rights in it were aquired by John Thornton (d. 1707), hydrographer to the
East India Company, who enlarged and completed it providing sailing directions compiled
from journals of the Company's pilots and captains, and charts prepared from Dutch and
English originals. see prices
WAGHENAER, Lucas Jansz. - A.T.20 - Thresoor der Zeevaert Leyden, 1592. (1965).
26 X 31 cm., XVI, 358 pp., including 22 folding charts. A basic hydrographical work
for the seaman, completely different from Waghenaer's 'Spieghel der Zeevaert'. It contains
a seperate chapter on navigation in the Mediterranean and an abbreviated accout of Drake's
discoveries. All editions are of known rarity. NO
HARRISSE, Henry - N.I. 1 - The discovery of North America. A critical
documentary and historical investigation. Amsterdam, 1969. 18 x 24 cm. 818 pp., 23
mostly folding maps & charts. Bound in cloth. Chronicles over one hundred voyages
projected, attempted or accomplished, between 1431 and 1504. There are also short
biographies of pilots and cartographers, 1492-1550. see prices
HARRISSE, Henry - N.I. 2 - Découvert et évolution cartographique de Terre-Neuve
et des pays circonvoisins 1497-1501-1769. Amsterdam, 1968. (Nico Israel reprint).
Quarto. 508 pp., numerous maps & charts in text. Bound in buckram. The original
edition was limited to only 380 copies. see prices
KOEMAN, C. - N.I. 3 - Joan Blaeu and his 'Grand Atlas'. Introduction to the
facsimile edition of le "Grand Atlas" 1663. Amsterdam, 1970. Octavo. 120 pp.,
illustrations, boards. An excellent introduction to Blaeu and his atlas. see prices
MAXWELL, Margaret - N.I. 4 - Shaping a Library: William L. Clements as a Collector.
Amsterdam, 1973. 364 pp. Cloth in dust jacket. Fascinating biography with many
insights into this great library and collector. see prices
PARKER, John - N.I. 5 - Books to Build an Empire. A bibliographical history of
English overseas interests to 1620. Amsterdam, 1965. Octavo. 300 pp. Cloth in dust
jacket. see prices
PARKER, Wyman - N.I. 6 - Henry Stevens of Vermont. An American Book Dealer in
London, 1845-86. Amsterdam, 1963. Octavo. 348 pp. Cloth in dust jacket. This
fascinating study documents Stevens career and his dealings with the great collectors:
James Lenox, John Carter and the Great Libraries. see prices
PHILLIPS, Philip - N.I. 7 - A List of Maps of America in the Library of Congress
preceded by a list of works relating to cartography. Amsterdam, 1967. (Nico Israel
reprint). Octavo. 1140 pp. Bound in cloth. see prices
STEVENS, Henry - N.I. 8 - Ptolemy's Geography. A brief account of all the printed
editions down to 1730. Octavo. 64 pp. Boards. see prices
WAGNER, Henry R. - N.I. 9 - Sir Francis Drake's Voyage around the world: its aims
and achievements. Amsterdam, 1969. (Nico Israel reprint). 20 x 27 cm. 543 pp. Bound in
cloth. The most comprehensive assembly of texts and detailed analysis of Drake's
voyage. see prices
ANDERSON, John P. - N.I.10 - The Book of British Topography. A Classified Catalogue
of the Topographical Works in the Library of the British Museum relating to Great Britian
and Ireland. Amsterdam, 1966. 472 pp. Original edition published in 1881. see prices
DANVERS, F.C./FOSTER - N.I.11 - Letters recieved by the East India Company from its
Servants in the East transcribed from the 'Original Coorespondence' series of the India
Office Records. Amsterdam, 1968. 6 vols in 3. Original edition was published in
1896-1902. see prices
FISCHER, J. AND F.R. von WIESER - N.I.12 - The Oldest Map with the name of America
of the Year 1507 and the Carta Marina of the year 1516 by Martin Waldseemuller.
Amsterdam, 1968. Soft cover, full size reprint of the original edition. see prices
MUNSTER, S. - N.I.13 - Cosmographei. Amsterdam, 1968. Facsimile of the Basel
1550 edition with introduction by R. Oehme. see prices
SKELETON, R.A. - N.I.14 - Saxton's Survey of England and Wales Amsterdam 1974.
With a facsimile of Saxton's wall map of 1583. Imago Mundi Supplement No. VI. see prices