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Box 75035, Cambrian Postal Outlet
Calgary, AB T2K 6J8
Cameron Treleaven, Proprietor A.B.A.C. / I.L.A.B.,
P.B.F.A., N.A.A.B., F.R.G.S.
Hours: 10:30 – 5:30 MDT Monday-Saturday
All Prices net in US Dollars. Accepted payment
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apply. Institutions can be invoiced. Postage and insurance extra. Books
can be returned within one week of receipt. N.B. Please advise by phone
or email for specific shipping instructions.
Dear Customers
It has been over a year since our last catalogue!
During that time we were very busy with the first Discovery Book Auction
last September. We feel we had a great success, prices realized totaled
almost a half million dollars. Since then we have purchased a number of
significant items and minor collections of polar material, some of which
are in the current catalogue. We are in the process of refining our
mailing list, to active customers who order at least once a year.
Everyone will receive this, and the fall catalogue, after that we will
be looking at the mailing list in detail. This past January we hired a
full time cataloguer for the shop and have made great progress in
cataloguing our inventory. Within a year we hope to have most of our
polar/travel material on our website with photos of the better material.
Best regards,
Cameron Treleaven
Phone: (403) 282-5832. Fax: (403) 289-0814. Email:
Aquila@Aquilabooks.com |

001. [Alaska] Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition
Commission. Report of the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition Commission
of the State of Washington. Seattle: Printed by the Pacific Press,
Inc., [nd ca1910]. 1st Edition. Very good. Octavo. 157pp. +
[2]pp. (index). Illustrations from photos. Black cloth taped backed blue
wrappers, minor fading. 250.00
Tourville 156. Illustrated report
giving a history of the commission, detailed statement of all
disbursements, a summary of receipts and disbursements, and description
and costs of buildings and major exhibits.
002. [Alaska] Briggs, Horace.
Letters from Alaska and the Pacific Coast Buffalo: Press and
Information Services, 1889. 1st Separate Printing. Near Fine.
Octavo. 87pp. Blue lettered stiff unbleached wrappers. 300.00
Not in Arctic Bibl.; Tourville 658.
Much of the material originally appeared in the Buffalo 'Commercial
Advertiser' newspaper.
003. [Alaska] Emmons, S. F. Map
of Alaska Showing Known Gold-Bearing Rocks with Descriptive Text
Containing Sketches of the Geography, Geology, and Gold Deposits and
Routes to the Gold Fields. Washington, D. C.: USGS, 1898. 1st
Edition. Very good. Octavo. 44pp. + Map. New gray wrappers with large
colour folding map (at end). 150.00
Arctic Bibl. 18358; Wickersham 8223.
Map showing "the gold and coal fields of Alaska, together with the
principal steamer routes and trails .."
004. [Alaska] Grinnell, Joseph
Gold Hunting in Alaska. Chicago: David C. Cook Publishing Co., 1901.
Octavo. 96pp. Illustrations from photos. Pictorial wrappers with ads on
inside and rear covers; Minor edge wear; better then average copy of a
fragile item. Edited By Elizabeth Grinnell.
Tourville 1866; Wickersham 31.
Kotzebue Sound and Nome based on author’s diary.
005. [Alaska] Harrison, E. S.
Nome and the Seward Peninsula. History, Description, Biographies and
Stories. Seattle: Published by the Author, 1905. Souvenir Edition
(ltd. to approx. 800 copies). Very good. Quarto. 4p.l.,[5]-392pp. 46
plates and illustrations in text from photos by B. B. Dobbs, of Nome,
etc. Maroon half leather and black cloth boards with patterned
endpapers, uncut; minor edge wear; corners and lower spine restored.
Signed twice by one of the biographical subjects listed in part 3 (R. N.
Simpson). 650.00 SOLD
Arctic Bibli. 6697; Ricks p.117;
Tourville 970. In three parts: (1) History: Discovery, exploration,
whaling, Eskimos, etc. (2) Description, mining, etc., and (3)
Biographies, stories. Very scarce.
Phone: (403) 282-5832. Fax: (403) 289-0814. Email:
Aquila@Aquilabooks.com |
006. [Alaska] Ingstad, Helge.
Nunamiut. Among Alaska's Inland Eskimos. London: George Allen &
Unwin Ltd, 1954. 1st Edition. Octavo. 254,[2]pp. Colour
frontispiece, b&w plates from photos, and illustrations in text from
drawings. Light blue cloth; lower corner lightly bumped in slightly edge
worn, dust soiled dust jacket. 25.00
Tourville 2266. The Eskimos of Anaktuvuk Pass winter
of 1949-50.
007. [Alaska] Kane, Gen. Thomas L.
Alaska and the Polar Regions. Lecture of Gen. Thomas L. Kane, Before
the American Geographical Society, in New York City, Thursday Evening,
May 7, 1868. New York: Journeymen Printers' Co-Op. Assn., 1868. 1st
Separate Printing. Very good. Octavo. 32pp. Sewn as issued in original
printed wrappers. Not illustrated. 400.00
Not in Arctic Bibl.; Tourville 2408.
Lecture on the Alaska purchase with some historical background on
exploration and the northwest passage.
Broad Sheet
008. [Alaska] Seattle Daily Times. "From the
Seattle Daily Times" Investors Are Swindled [Caption Title].
Seattle: Seattle Daily Times, 1904. 1st Separate Printing.
(Broad Sheet) Very good. Sheet (approximately 14x36cm) printed one side
only, of an article originally printed in "The Seattle Daily Times"
January 19, 1904. 300.00
Account of the frauds perpetrated by
the agent of a British Syndicate hired to buy up mining claims in the
Yukon. Mr. Torrance "a western man ..." bought worthless property that
he salted, was an extravagant spender, and when the syndicate sent a
mining engineer to inspect the properties he reported that all he found
was "sawed wood." OCLC locates only one copy at Yale
009. [Alaska] Vail, Isaac Newton.
Alaska. The Land of the Nugget. Why? [Cover Title]. [Pasadena,
Cal.: Press of G. A. Swerdfiger, 1897]. 1st Edition. Very
good. Octavo. 68pp. Variant binding: Green cloth and brown patterned
endpapers. Rare. 250.00 SOLD
Tourville 4629; Wickersham 3693. "A
critical examination of geological and other testimony, showing how and
why gold was deposited in polar lands"
010. [Alaska] Winter & Pond
Company. The Totems of Alaska. Juneau, Alaska: Winter & Pond
Company, Inc., [nd ca1909]. Very good. Oblong Octavo. [ii]pp. + 11
leaves (printed one side only). 20 tipped-in colour plates. String tied
brown wrappers; hole in title page repaired. SOLD
Tourville 4927.
011. Allen Jr., Arthur S. Under
Sail to Greenland: Being an Account of the Voyage of the Cutter "
Directions ", Arthur S. Allen, Jr., Captain, to Greenland in the Summer
of 1929, Together with the Log, Letters and Other Memoranda. New
York: Privately Printed by the Marchibanks Press, 1931. 1st
Edition limited to 900 copies (300 for Private Distribution and 600 for
the publisher). Octavo. 91,[1]pp. Tipped-in frontispiece (portrait) and
plates from photos, and folding colour map (at end). Cloth backed blue
paper covered boards designed by Sydney Bagshaw, with blue endpaper
plans. Inscribed and signed on first blank by the author's father.
Corners professionally restored, fore edge of map a bit ragged. 225.00
Arctic Bibl. 287. Posthumously
published account of the expedition, including excerpts from the
correspondence between Allen and Rockwell Kent, which led to Kent's
participation and his account of the expedition in "N. By E."
Inscribed and Signed Copy in Rare Dust jacket
012. Amundsen, Roald. The South Pole. An Account
of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in the "Fram", 1910-1912. New
York: Lee Keedick, 1925. 2 volumes in One. Very good in dust jackets.
Octavo. xxxv,[1],392;[vi,[2],,449pp. Frontispiece (portrait), 10 plates
from photos, and map. Gilt lettered blue cloth. Name on front blank.
Inscribed and signed on recto of frontispiece, in the rare dust jacket
with some minor chipping along top and bottom edge. Translated by A. G.
Chater (From the Norwegian). See image.
Rosove 9.C1; Spence 21.
Important Manuscript Notebook Diary
013. [Amundsen, Roald] Mogg, William. Diary of
Captn. Wm. Mogg of the Wrecked Schooner "Bonanza" [Caption Title -
1905-1906]. Oblong 16mo booklet. [57]pp. Original covers, restored,
with a number of contemporary press clippings laid in, including
newspaper photo illustration of Captain Mogg, and photo of native woman
and child identified as Jullia and Sammy in pencil on back. 6,500.00SOLD
The Manuscript Diary of Captain
William Mogg of the whaling schooner ‘Bonanza,’ which was wrecked in the
Arctic Ocean on the 23rd August 1905, all hands saved. The
diary covers the period from October 24, 1905 to April 24, 1906, being
the overland trek by dog sled with mail, from Herschel Island, Arctic
Ocean to Eagle City, Alaska, accompanied by Captain Roald Amundsen and
two natives. Amundsen accompanied Mogg to ensure that he was the first
to break the news of the successful accomplishment of the Northwest
Passage. On reaching Eagle City, Alaska on December 5, 1905 he sent
news, in a private telegram to Fridtjof Nansen. The contents were leaked
however to the public before its arrival. The diary includes much of
interest, with details of the conditions, game, and hardships
encountered. The party reached Fort Youcon on the 20th of
November, delivered the mail to the postmaster and left the two natives
in the care of Mr. Beaumont, the trader, as instructed in a letter from
the Captain at Herschel Island. After a couple days rest, during which
Amundsen visited a native school and bought a sledge, they spent an
enjoyable evening with a Mrs Cox? who ran a trading store, before
leaving for Circle City on the 23rd of November with
telegrams, but without the benefit of a guide which was deemed too
expensive. They arrived in Eagle City on the 5th of December
a total of 664 miles since they had left the ships at Herschel Island.
There they were met by Major Plummer and Officers of the Fort, sent
telegrams, then had dinner with Captain Langton who introduced them to
Mr. F. Smith manager of the Trading Company. The telegraph
communications were down the next two days between Eagle City and
Dawson; Captain Mogg visits the Collector of customs and reported the
loss of the ‘Bonanza.’ On the 8th Amundsen receives lots of
telegrams from newspaper agents but none from home. The telegraph lines
were down again on the 9th, Captain Moog and Amundsen leave
for Dawson the next day with the mail carrier arriving on the 13tth
where Moog meets with the American Consul, the Captain of the N.W.
Mounted Police and a Doctor Varseco who is interested in making a trip
to the North Pole. They left for Whitehorse by stage coach on the 15th
of December and then by rail to Skagway where they caught the steamer
‘Jefferson’ for Seattle then on to San Francisco arriving on the 31st
of December. Entries resume April 16th – 27th
being a first hand account of the San Francisco Earthquake with
descriptions of its destruction and aftermath.
014. [Antarctic Club].
[Christmas Card]. [Antarctic Club: nd ca1938]. Fine. Card (approx.
15.2cm tall) with blue ribbon tie, folded once, embossed Arctic Club
seal on front and tipped in photo of the "Penola" in Port Lockroy.
Signed "Norman" with business card laid in loose. 50.00
Norman Gurney was a seaman on the
British Graham Land Expedition, 1934-37 under Rymill, serving on the
Penola. The Antarctic Club was established in 1929 as a dining club with
an annual reunion for Antarctic explorers, that continues until this
015. [Antarctic] Grosvenor,
Gilbert. With Alexander Wetmore. The Book of Birds. The First Work
Presenting in Full Color All the Major Species of the United States and
Canada. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1937. Later
Printing in Two Volumes Octavo. viii,356,[2];374,[1]pp. Colour and b&w
illustrations in text from photos, etc. Green cloth with endpaper maps.
Bookplate and ownership inscription on verso of front free endpaper with
stamp of IGY on verso of title page. Binding of volume I soiled with
wrinkling of pages from damp. 300.00
Artifact from the U.S. Antarctic
Expedition East Base during the International Geophysical Year at Wilkes
Station, Antarctica, U.S. National Committee / National Academy of
Sciences. Property of Carl R. Eklund, ornithologist on the expedition,
the books had to be abandoned when ice conditions necessitated an
emergency evacuation, that were later found and returned (account in
accompanying letter)
016. Armstrong, Terence.
Russian Settlement in the North. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1965. 1st Edition. Fine in very good dust jacket.
Octavo. xii,224pp. Plates from photos, and illustrations (sketch maps)
in text. Gray cloth. Series: Scott Polar Research Institute Special
Publications. No. 3. 45.00
017. Armstrong, Terence. The
Russians in the Arctic. Aspects of Soviet Exploration and Exploitation
of the Far North, 1937-57. London: Methuen and Co Ltd., 1958. 1st
Edition. Octavo. 182pp. 8 plates (both sides) from photos, and 1
illustration in text. Blue cloth with endpaper maps. Minor wear to top
of dust jacket spine. 65.00
018. Arnesen, Odd. The Polar
Adventure. The "Italia" Tragedy Seen at Close Quarters. London:
Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1929. 1st English Translation. Octavo.
158pp. Plates, including frontispiece portrait, from photos. Orange
cloth; light soiling to covers with light foxing to edges, and leaves
adjacent to plates. Translated by Asta and Rowland Kenney (From the
Norwegian). 50.00
Arctic Bibl. 712. Norwegian
journalist's account of the before-and-after of Nobile's "Italia" flight
and crash. Somewhat critical of the Italian's efforts throughout the
019. Aurivillius, Carl W. S.
Das Plankton Der Baffin's Bay Und Davis' Strait Eine Thiergeographische
Studie. Upsala: Almquist & Wiksells, 1896. 1st Edition.
Very good. Folio. [32]pp. Colour map. Quarter blue cloth and marbled
boards with original wrappers bound in. Inscribed complimentary copy
from the author top of front wrapper. Boards a bit age darkened top
front and rear boards, clean internally. 125.00
Arctic Bibl. 798. "A zoogeographic
study. Report on collections made by A. Ohlin on the Peary Auxiliary
Expedition, and by E. Nilsson, from the whaling vessel Eclipse, 1894."
Includes an historical summary of plankton research in Greenland waters.
020. Balch, Edwin Swift. The
North Pole and Bradley Land. Philadelphia: Campion and Co., 1913.
1st Edition. Fine. Tall Octavo. 91pp. Original gilt lettered brick red
cloth; top edge gilt. Rare in this condition. "With the compliments of
the author" slip tipped in. 675.00
Arctic Bibl. 999. An attempt by the author to prove
that Cook was the first to reach the North Pole. |
Signed by Three Polar Explorers with Scott
021. [Barrie, J.M.]. Like English Gentlemen. To
Peter Scott from the Author of "Where's Master?" London: Hodder and
Stoughton, [nd ca 1913]. 1st Edition. 12mo (approx. 18.9cm).
61,[3]pp. Beige boards with color illustration on front and pictorial
endpapers, spine restored with occasional light foxing internally.
Signed on front endpaper by Raymond Priestley, Griffith Taylor and Frank
Wild. See image. 850.00

Spence 1047, under "Peter Scott".
Attributed by Explorer Books of England to playwright and Scott family
friend, J. M. Barrie.
022. Bellot, Joseph Rene.
Memoirs of Lieutenant Joseph Rene Bellot, ... With His Journal of a
Voyage in the Polar Seas, in Search of Sir John Franklin. In Two
Volumes. London: Hurst and Blackett, Publishers, 1855. 1st
UK Edition. Two volumes small Octavo (19.2cm). vii,[1],391,[1]
(publisher's ad);[ii],403pp. Engraved frontispiece in Vol. I (portrait)
and engraved tailpiece (end of Vol. II). Bound in early 20th century
three quarter red morocco and marbled boards with matching endpapers, 5
raised bands with gilt spine lettering, and gilt top edge. Slight toning
to pages (unevenly in volume II), discreet blind stamp to title pages of
both volumes and a number of leaves internally. An attractive copy.
AB 1305. The English Edition was
published posthumously. Bellot perished in 1853 while serving on the
1852 Franklin Search Expedition under Captain Edward Inglefield in the
'Phoenix.' he had served previously on the 1851-2 Franklin Search
Expedition under Captain William Kennedy.
023. Bernacchi, L. C. A Very
Gallant Gentleman. London: Thornton Butterworth, Ltd., 1933. 1st
Edition. Octavo. 240pp. 8 plates from photos (incl. frontispiece
portrait), and 2 double-paged map illustrations. Violet cloth with white
lettered spine, spine faded as usual. Names of previous owners on front
free endpaper with two minor creases on cover.
Rosove 36.A1 (variant colour cloth);
Spence 126. A biography of Captain L.E.G. Oates a member of Scott's
'Terra Nova' expedition (1910-13), with two chapters on his early life,
the rest dealing with the expedition, with the focus on Oates.
024. Binney, George. With
Seaplane and Sledge in the Arctic. London: Hutchinson & Co., [nd
ca1925]. Octavo. 287pp. + 8pp. (publisher's catalog). Many plates from
photos including frontispiece, and folding map. Blue cloth. Previous
owner's name on front free endpaper. 125.00
Arctic Bibl. 1572. Narrative of the
Oxford University Arctic Expedition of 1924, to explore the icecap of
Northeast Land, Svalbard. Includes one of the earliest uses of aircraft
in the Arctic.
025. Borden, Mrs. John. The
Cruise of the Northern Light. Explorations and Hunting in the Alaskan
and Siberian Arctic. New York: MacMillan Company, 1928. 1st Edition.
Very good in good+ dust jacket. Octavo. xi,317pp. Illustrations,
including frontispiece portrait, from photos. Gilt lettered navy blue
cloth with endpaper maps; minor chipping along top and bottom edges of
dust jacket. See image. 175.00

Arctic Bibl. 1978; Tourville 621. An
expedition through Bering Strait to Point Hope and Wrangel Island.
Rare Typescript of Borup’s Account with Peary
026. Borup, George. George Borup Notes. The Peary
Arctic Club's North Polar Expedition. July 1908 - Nov. 16 - 1908. From
New York to the End of the First Month of the Winter Night. [1908].
(Typescript). Very good. Quarto, typed pages arranged into three loose
volumes in paper wrappers, some soil and defects. 363 pages of Original
typescript (and some 250 pages - incomplete carbon copy) with ink
additions and corrections in Borup's hands. Also included is a notarized
statement signed by Borup, 1 November 1909, attesting to the
authenticity of the copy; a copy of Borup's - A Tenderfoot with Peary.
NY: Frederick A. Stokes, 1911. Housed in a custom buckram box. 7,500.00SOLD
George Borup was the youngest member
on Peary's last expedition which reached the North Pole; he took part in
the dog sled support party during the first part of the attempt, and in
a sledge journey along the North Greenland coast with Donald MacMillan.
Borup died in 1912 at the age of 28. The typescript includes technical
notes about the expedition's staff, equipment, and achievements; with
numerous references to Matthew Hensen, Peary's black companion who
accompanied him to the pole. Evidently used in writing his book "A
Tenderfoot with Peary." The typescript includes much material not
027. Bowman, W. E. (Photographer). Cabinet Card
Entitled "The Little Esquimaux Lady." / Miss Olof Krarer. Ottawa,
Illinois: W. E. Bowman, [nd ca1889]. Cabinet photo (image size
approximately 13x10cm.) mounted on card (approximately 16.5 x 10.5cm).
Lower right hand corner chipped with some minor loss of text (end of
Illinois). Very scarce. 150.00SOLD
Rare Big Game Hunting Title
028. Bradley, J. R. Hunting Big Game in Far
Northwest British Columbia. New York: Privately Printed for the
Author by The Mail and Express Job Print, 1904. 1st Edition.
Fine. Octavo. 52pp. Illustrations in text from photos. Gilt lettered
green cloth with gilt ram head vignette on front and green patterned
endpapers. Rare. See image. 2,750.00

Narrative of hunting big game in the
Stickeen Country of northwestern British Columbia with T. T. Reese of
Palm Beach, Florida. Including hunting for Stone sheep.
029. Bray, Emile Frederic De. A
Frenchman in Search of Franklin: De Bray's Arctic Journal, 1852-1854.
Translated and Edited by William Barr. Toronto: University Toronto
Press, 1992. 1st Edition. Fine in dust jacket. Octavo.
xxii,339pp. Frontispiece (portrait) and illustrations in text from
photos. Edited By William Barr. Signed by Editor. 25.00
An account of Enseigne-de-vaisseau de
Bray's service on board the ‘Resolute’ during the Franklin Search
expedition, based on his diaries. With an introduction, postscript and
extensive notes by William Barr.
030. [British Graham Land
Expedition]. Tidal Observations in Graham Land. Part I: By Brian
Roberts. Part II: By R. H. Corkan [Cover Title]. London: Printed by
Order of the Trustees of the British Museum, 1941. 1st
Separate Printing. Very good. Quarto. [9]pp. Tables, illustrations in
text from drawings, and folding sketch map. Original bright orange
wrappers. 50.00 SOLD
Spence 189. Series: British Graham
Land Expedition 1934-37 Scientific Reports. Volume--1 - No. 8
031. [British Polar Exhibition].
British Polar Exhibition. Central Hall, Westminster. July 2nd to
15th, 1930, 10 A. M. To 10 P.M. Catalogue of Exhibits. [Caption Tile].
[nd ca1930]. Octavo in original wrappers, stapled as issued with several
small institutional hand stamps throughout. Scarce. 150.00
A catalogue of exhibits organized by
institutions and private holders.
032. Bruce, William Speirs. The
Log of the Scotia Expedition, 1902 - 4. Edinburgh: Edinburgh
University Press, 1992. 1st Edition. Fine in dust jacket.
Quarto. viii,306pp. Plates, and illustrations in text, including maps,
ship's plans, tables, etc. Brown cloth. Edited By Peter Speak. Foreword
by Sir Vivian Fuchs. 225.00
Rosove 54.A1. First Edition of the
narrative of the 1902-04 'Scotia' Expedition to the Antarctic, published
90 years later, of Bruce's log, photographs and plans as originally
intended. A new introduction, with explanatory notes and a glossary of
scientific terms has been added by Peter Speak.
033. Bryant, Henry G. The
Record of the United States in Geography 1889 - 1913 [Caption Title].
Roma: Tipografia Dell'unione Editrice, 1914. 1st Separate
Printing. Good. Octavo. 40pp. Original printed wrappers, starting to
split along fold, contents slightly browned. 75.00
034. [Bryant, Henry G.] Porter,
Russell W. Map of Saint Augustine River Province of Quebec, Canadian
Labrador Showing Explorations of Henry G. Bryant's Expedition 1912. With
Key Map Inset. [Philadelphia]: Geographical Society of Philadelphia,
1913. Very good. Partly coloured map on Sheet (46.5x23.5cm) folded to
035. [Byrd, Richard E.].
Authorized Map of the Second Byrd Antarctic Expedition. NP: G. F.
Corp., 1934. Very good. Folding colour map on Sheet (approximately
46x61cm) with inset of "The Bay of Whales" and decorative cartouche with
portrait of Byrd; folded three times. Several tears in folds. 35.00
036. [Byrd, Richard E.]. With
Byrd at the South Pole. [NP: no Publisher, nd]. Fine. Oblong Octavo.
[16] leaves (one side only). Illustrations from photos. Original
pictorial wrappers, stapled as issued. Rare. 200.00
Souvenir View book of photos taken on
Byrd's first Antarctic expedition.
037. [Canada. Department of the
Interior] King, W. F. Rapport de W. F. King, Astronome En Chef Du
Ministere de L'interieur, Et D'otto H. Tittmann, Membre Du Coast and
Geodetic Survey Des Etats-Unis, Constituani la Commission Nommee, En
Conformite Du Modus Vivendi Convenu Entre la Grande-Bretagne Et Les
Etats-Unis, le 20 Octobre 1899, Pour Faire Un Rapport Sur la Frontiere
Provisoire Entre le Territoire de L'alaska Et le Canada, Dans Lea Region
de la Tete Du Canal de Lynn; Aussi, Cartes Accompagnant le Dit Rapport,
Et Arrete de L'executif Du 20 Fevrier 1901, Dans Lequel Il Est Prescrit
Que Ce Rapport Sera Communique Au Parlement. Ottawa: Department of
the Interior, 1901. 1st Separate Printing. Very good. Octavo.
7,[1]pp. three large folding maps in printed envelope. "Map of
Provisional Boundary Line White Pass Chilkoot Pass according to the
Modus Vivendi October 20, 1899" with 2 sketch maps of Chilkoot Pass
(sheet approximately 24.5 x36.5") hole repaired with some loss in one of
the small sketch maps; "Map showing Provisional Boundary Line in the
Region of the Dalton Trail according to the Modus Vivendi October 20,
1899" (sheet approximately 31.5 x 28"); and "untitled" (sheet
approximately 31.5 x 27"). Original self wrappers, stapled as issued;
Printed envelope a bit soiled. Rare. 450.00
At head: I Edouard VII. Document de la
Session No. 101. A. 1901.
038. Carpenter, R. R. M. Game
Trails from Alaska to Africa. [New York]: Privately Printed for the
Author, 1938. 1st Edition. Fine. Octavo. xiii,180pp. Plates
(including frontispiece) from photos and maps. Blue cloth, maroon top
edge with gilt lettered spine and gilt lettered maroon label on front.
Preface by Captain Robert A. Bartlett. 185.00
Tourville 847. Narrative account of
hunting trips to southeastern Alaska in 1933 and '35; for pronghorn
antelope in Wyoming in 1934 and '35; mountain lion in Arizona in 1936;
hunting in Kenya, east Africa in 1936; Andros Island and "The Cassiar"
in Northern British Columbia in 1937; and hunting in 1938 for jaguar in
Mexico and big horn sheep in Wyoming.
039. Christensen, Lars. Such Is
the Antarctic. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1935. 1st
English Translation. Very Good. Octavo. xiii,15-265pp. 45 tinted plates
from photos, including frontispiece portrait. Navy blue cloth and
endpaper maps. Laid in 2 1/2 page carbon copy of review, with name of
previous owner on half title and a few of his notations in pencil. Minor
foxing to edges, else a clean, tight copy. Translated by E. M. G. Jayne.
Spence 292; Jenkins p.89. Lars
Christensen made and/or sponsored several voyages to the Antarctic
1927-3. While primarily for whaling & sealing, Christensen had a strong
interest in exploration, and much good work was done, including several
aerial surveys, photography & meteorology. A number of important
discoveries were also made.
040. Christy, Miller (editor).
The Voyages of Captain Luke Foxe of Hull and Captain Thomas James of
Bristol, in Search of a North-West Passage, in 1631-32; With Narratives
of the Earlier North-West Voyages of Frobisher, Davis, Weymouth, Hall,
Knight, Hudson, Button, Gibbons, Bylot, Baffin, Hawkridge, and Others.
London: Hakluyt Society, 1894. 1st Edition thus in 2 volumes. Very good.
Octavo. ccxxxi,259;viii,[261]- 681pp. Three plates, 3 folding maps and
one illustration in text from facsimiles. Blue cloth; endpapers browned
else a clean, bright copy with the bookplates of William Herbert Hobbs
on front pastedowns. 850.00SOLD
NMM-1 786. First Series. Now quite
scarce. Series: Hakluyt Series No.- LXXXVII And LXXXIX
041. [Cook, Frederick A.] Fess,
Hon. S. D. The North Pole Aftermath. Speech of Hon. S. D. Fess of
Ohio, in the House of Representatives, Congress of the United States,
Thursday, March 4, 1915 [Caption Title]. Washington: GPO, 1915. 1st
Separate Printing. Very good. Octavo. 27,[5]pp. Self-wrappers stapled as
issued. 45.00
Not in Arctic Bibl.
042. [Cresswell, Samuel Gurney]
Harrod, Dominick. (editor)-- War, Ice & Piracy: The Remarkable Career
of a Victorian Sailor. The Journals and Letters of Samuel Gurney
Cresswell. London: Chatham Pub., 2000. 1st Edition. Fine
in dust jacket. Octavo. 192pp. Plates and illustrations (sketch maps) in
text. Reddish/orange cloth. 30.00
Includes a chapter on Captain James
Ross' Franklin Search Expedition aboard H.M.S. Investigator 1848-53 with
Cresswell acting as mate.
043. Cumpston, J. S. Macquarie
Island. Canberra, Australia: Antarctic Division, Department of
External Affairs, 1968. 1st Edition. Very good in dust
jacket. Small Quarto. xii,380pp. Frontispiece and plates (both sides)
from photos, and illustrations in text from drawings (including maps).
Green cloth, with endpaper maps. 150.00
A history of the sub-antarctic island,
1000 miles south of Hobart, from the time of its initial discovery in
1810, by the "Perseverance".
Rare Dixon-Meares Pamphlet
044. Dixon, George. Remarks on the Voyages of John
Meares, Esq in a Letter to That Gentleman by George Dixon Late Commander
of the Queen Charlotte, in a Voyage Round the World. London: Printed
for the Author and Sold by John Stockdale, and George Goulding, 1790. 1st
Edition. Very good. Quarto. 37pp. + [4]pp. (works published by John
Stockdale). Quarter calf and marbled boards. Rare. See image. 15,000.00

Smith 2477; Strathern 148; T.P.L. 609.
A caustic attack on Meares account which elicted a rebuttal from Meares,
to which Dixon replied to with "Further Remarks". See also 080. Howay
045. Drygalski, Erich Von. Zum
Continent Des Eisgen Sudens. Berlin: Georg Reimer, 1904. 1st
Edition. Very good. Quarto. xiv,[2],668pp. Photogravure frontispiece, 4
folding plans and diagrams, 5 plates (one panorama and two
double-paged), 2 double-paged charts, numerous illustrations in text,
and 2 maps (including one folding in rear pocket). Decorative grey
cloth, dark grey endpapers. Name on half title else a bright clean copy.
See image. 1,600.00

Rosove 101.A1.a. Spence 384. Official
account of the German South Polar Expedition with a general narrative,
brief bios, details of the ship and general outfit, and a summary of the
scientific observations.
046. Engstrom, Elton. With Allan
Engstrom. Alexander Baranov & a Pacific Empire. Juneau, Alaska:
Privately Printed for the Authors, 2004. 1st Edition. Fine in
dust jacket. Quarto. xvi,227pp. Facsimile double-paged colour map and
colour portrait (frontispiece), and b&w and colour illustrations in text
from facsimiles, etc. Pictorial boards and red endpapers. Signed by both
authors on half title. 45.00
047. Evans, Admiral Sir Edward
British Polar Explorers [With] 2 Pieces of Ephemera. London: William
Collins of London, 1943. 1st Edition. Very good in dust
jacket. Octavo. 47,[1]pp. Colour plates and b&w illustrations in text.
Original illustrated paper covered boards. Previous owner's name on
front free endpaper with a few pencil notations in margins and short
tear top edge of front wrapper.[with] tls on letterhead dated 30th
December, 1952 signed "Mountevans" to W. Foges Esq. Managing Director of
Adprint Ltd. [with] Memoranum of Agreement signed and dated 31 August
1942. 500.00
048. [Fairweather, Captain James]
Rycroft, Nancy. Captain James Fairweather Whaler and Shipmaster. His
Life and Career 1853-1933. Fairweather Books, 2005. 1st
Edition. Fine. Octavo. [vi],201,[1]pp. Black and white, sepia, and
colour illustrations in text from photos, maps, etc. Pictorial stiff
card covers. Signed on inside front cover. 35.00
Biography of Captain James Fairweather
of Dundee who served in the Dundee Whaling Fleet operating in the Arctic
and north-eastern Canada, and later served as Captain of the 'Discovery'
on the 1916 Shackleton relief expedition.
049. Falkland Islands Dependencies
Survey. Scientific and Survey Guide Handbook [Cover Title].
Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey, [nd ca 1956-1959]. Limited to 25
copies. Very good. Folio. [ii],[19];[11];[30]; [11];[3]pp. Loose leaves
(most printed one side only) in string tied cloth covered boards with
paper label and leather corners, a few illustrations in text from rough
sketches. Copy No. 13 Superseded. 250.00
Contains the following sections of the
Scientific and Survey Guide H - Survey; N - Bird Ringing Scheme; P -
Geology; Q - Scientific Survey and R - Photographic Policy.
050. [Falkland Islands].
Concession in Connection with the Working of Peat Bogs or Deposits and
the Manufacture of Peat Coal and Peat Products Therefrom. London:
Sutton, Ommanney & Rendall, 1911. Folio. 1p.l.,iii,14,[1]pp. Black cloth
printed wrappers, rear cover detached and front lower corner chipped.
Uncommon. 60.00
051. [Falkland Islands] Colonial
Secretary. Ordinances of the Colony of the Falkland Islands Enacted
During the Year 1928 Together with the Rules, Regulations Etc., Etc.,
Made During That Year [Cover Title]. Stanley, Falkland Islands:
Government Printing Office, [nd ca1919]. Very good. Folio. [ii]pp. + 13
Ordinances; [ii]pp. + 15 Rules, Regulations, etc. Mustard colour linen
wrappers. Shelf sticker on front cover and 2 discreet stamps internally.
Part I: Ordinances. Part II: Rules,
Regulations, etc.
052. [Falkland Islands] Colonial
Secretary. Ordinances of the Colony of the Falkland Islands Enacted
During the Year 1929 Together with the Rules, Regulations Etc., Etc.,
Made During That Year [Cover Title]. Stanley, Falkland Islands:
Government Printing Office, [nd ca1929]. Very good. Folio. [ii]pp. + 11
Ordinances; [ii]pp. + Rules, Regulations, etc. Mustard colour linen
wrappers. Shelf sticker on front cover with 2 discreet stamps
internally. 150.00
Part I: Ordinances. Part II: Rules, Regulations, etc.
053. [Falkland Islands] Great
Britain. Colonial Office. Falkland Islands and Dependencies. Report
for the Years 1958 and 1959. London: Her Majesty's Stationery
Office, 1960. 1st Edition. Near fine. Octavo. 2 plates (both
sides) from photos, and 2 folding maps at end (1 in colour). [iv],87pp.
Orange wrappers. 35.00
054. [Falkland Islands] Great
Britain. Colonial Office. Report on the Falkland Islands and
Dependencies for the Years 1950 & 1951 [Caption Title]. London: HMSO,
1952. 1st Edition. Very good. Octavo. 47,[1]pp + errata slip
(laid in loose). . 2 plates (both sides) from photos, and folding colour
map (at end). Original beige wrappers. 40.00
055. [Falkland Islands] Great
Britain. Colonial Secretary. Ordinances of the Colony of the Falkland
Islands Enacted During the Year 1931 Together with the Rules,
Regulations Etc., Etc., Made During That Year [Cover Title].
Stanley, Falkland Islands: Government Printing Office, [nd ca1932]. Very
good. Folio. [ii]pp. + 11 Ordinances; [ii]pp. + Rules, Regulations,
etc.. Mustard colour linen wrappers. Shelf sticker on front cover with 2
discreet stamps internally. 125.00
Part I: Ordinances. Part II: Rules,
Regulations, etc.
056. [Falkland Islands] Great
Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office. British Antarctic Territory
Report for the Years 1961 to 31st March 1967. London: HMSO, 1967. 1st
Edition. Fine. Octavo. [iv],26pp. 2 plates (both sides) from photos, and
folding colour map (at end). Orange wrappers. 30.00
Phone: (403) 282-5832. Fax: (403) 289-0814. Email:
Aquila@Aquilabooks.com |
057. Falkland Islands] Great
Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Falkland Islands and
Dependencies. Report for the Years 1966 and 1967. London: HMSO,
1969. 1st Edition. Very good. Octavo. iv,79pp. 2 plates (both
sides) from photos and 2 folding colour maps at end. Orange wrappers.
058. [Falkland Islands] Great
Britain. Privy Council. Falkland Islands Review. Report of a
Committee of Privy Counsellors. London: HMSO, 1983. 1st
Edition. Very Good. Octavo. vi,105,[1]pp. One illustration in text
(sketch map). Blue wrappers. Previous owner's name on title page with a
few pencil notations in margins. 50.00
059. [Falkland Islands] Munro,
Hugh. Report of an Investigation into the Conditions and Practice of
Sheep Farming in the Falkland Islands. London: Waterlow & Sons
Limited, 1924. Good. Folio. 57pp. Beige wrappers with light hand stamp
and manuscript shelf number lower corner of front cover, spine worn with
ragged, chipped edges. Scarce. 75.00
060. [Falkland Islands] Pepper, J.
The Meteorology of the Falkland Islands and Dependencies 1944-1950.
London: Published for the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey, 1954. 1st
Edition. Very good. Quarto. vi,249pp. + "Application for Amendments"
form (laid in loose). Tables and illustrations in text from photos,
charts, diagrams, etc., and folding endpaper map. Blue cloth; minor wear
to extremities. 75.00
061. Fanning, Captain Edmund.
Voyages and Discoveries in the South Seas 1792 -1832. Salem,
Massachusetts: Marine Research Society, 1924. 1st Printing
this Edition. Very good. Octavo. xvi,335pp. 32 plates. Blue cloth and
illustrated endpapers; rear hinge repaired; minor wear to head and foot
of spine. 100.00
062. Fries, Th. M. With C. Nystrom.
Svenska Polar-Expeditionen ˜r 1868 Med KronoÂngfartyget Sofia.
Reseskizzer. Stockholm: P. A. Norstedt & Soner, 1869. 1st
Edition. Octavo. [viii],231pp. 4 colour litho plates (incl.
frontispiece), wood engraved illustrations, and double-paged colour
lithograph map (at end). Gilt lettered brown cloth, with new cloth spine
to match and new endpapers. Perforated stamp of Dartmouth College on
title page with date stamp on verso, contents lightly browned, some
offsetting to leaves adjacent to plates. 150.00
Account of the Swedish Spitzbergen
Expedition, 1868 under the leadership of A. E. Nordenskiold and Fr. W.
Von Otter.
Phone: (403) 282-5832. Fax: (403) 289-0814. Email:
Aquila@Aquilabooks.com |
063. Golder, F. A. Russian
Expansion on the Pacific 1641-1850. An Account of the Earliest and Later
Expeditions Made by the Russians Along the Pacific Coast of Asia and
North America; Including Some Related Expeditions to the Arctic Regions.
Cleveland: Arthur H. Clark Company, 1914. 1st Edition. Very
Good. Octavo. 368pp. Frontispiece and plates from maps and facsimiles.
Maroon binding with gilt top edge, others uncut; minor darkening to
spine. Very scarce. 500.00SOLD
Ricks p.109; Tourville 1758;
Wickersham 4082. "This is the only authoritative work study of the
Russian expansion on the Pacific published in any language during the
past century. The work is of such importance that the Russian government
translated and issued the volume in Russian." - Soliday
064. Gould R.N., Lieut.-Commander
Rupert T. Oddities. A Book of Unexplained Facts. London: Philip
Allan & Co. Ltd., 1928. 1st Edition. Very good. Octavo.
336pp. 8 plates, including frontispiece, and illustrations in text from
facsimiles, maps, etc. Orange cloth; minor soiling to covers with name
on title page. 60.00 SOLD
Includes an essay on the supposed
sightings of Franklin's missing ships.
065. Great Britain. Admiralty.
Arctic Pilot, Vol. III Comprising Davis Strait, Baffin Bay, and the
Channels Leading Therefrom to the Polar Sea with the West and North-West
Coasts of Greenland, the Arctic Coast of Canada, and the Arctic
Archipelago; Also Hudson Strait and Bay [With] Supplement No. 2 - 1951
Relating to the Arctic Pilot Vol. III. London: Hydrographic
Department, Admiralty, 1947-1951. 4th Edition. Very good.
Octavo. lii,491,[1]pp + 10pp. (Supplement). Numerous plates and
illustrations in text from drawings, folding index map. Black lettered
light gray cloth and supplement in original wrappers, stapled as issued,
not illustrated. Several internal stamps with some minor wear and
soiling to covers. 150.00
066. Great Britain. Hydrographer
of the Navy. The Antarctic Pilot Comprising the Coasts of Antarctica
and All Islands Southward of the Usual Route of Vessels. Taunton,
Somerset: Hydrographer of the Navy, 1974. 4th Edition. Very
good. Quarto. xvii,336,[1]pp. Tables, colour and b&w plates, and
illustrations in text from photos, drawings, etc. Gilt lettered blue
cloth. Previous owner's name on front free endpaper. 200.00
067. Great Britain. Parliament.
C A. P. Civ. An Act to Continue, Until the Thirty-First Day of December
One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-Four, the Bounty to Vessels
Employed in the Greenland Seas and Davis's Streights; And to Authorize
His Majesty to Alter the Times for the Sailing of the Said Vessels, and
Any of the Limitations Contained in the Acts for Allowing the Said
Bounty. [5th August 1822.] [Caption Title]. London: Printed by
George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the Kings, 1822. Very good.
Quarto. [2]pp. One Leaf disbound, printed both sides. 135.00
At head: Anno Tertio. Georgii IV.
068. Greely, A. W. Handbook of
Polar Discoveries. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1910. 4th
Edition Revised and Enlarged. Very good. Octavo. [viii],336pp.
Frontispiece portrait and 7 maps (2 folding - 1 in colour). Gilt
lettered brick red cloth, uncut; minor fading to spine and toning to
endpapers; a clean tight copy. 85.00
Arctic Bibli. 6114. Basic reference
history for North American Arctic exploration from the time of the
Cabots, 1497 to Peary, 1909.
069. Greely, Lieut. A. W. The
Greely Arctic Expedition As Fully Narrated by Lieut. Greely, U.S.A., And
Other Survivors. Full Account of the Terrible Sufferings on the Ice, and
Awful Tales of Cannibalism! Commander Schley's Report. Wonderful
Discoveries by Lieut. Greely the American Army Officer, and His Little
Band of Heroes. Philadelphia, Pa: Barclay & Company, [nd ca1884].
[ii],19-105,[1]pp. Very good. Octavo in original printed wrapper with
woodcut illustrations, including 10 full paged. Pages browned as usual
(printed on cheap paper). Very scarce item due to its fragile nature.
Edges of wrappers professionally restored. See image. 400.00
Not in Arctic Bibl. Full account of
the sufferings on the ice.
070. Greely, Major General A. W.
Reminiscences of Adventure and Service. A Record of Sixty-Five Years.
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1927. 1st Edition. Very
good. Octavo. xi,[3],356pp. Plates from photos, including frontispiece
portrait. Gilt lettered red cloth; Upper corners lightly bumped; a
bright clean copy. 75.00SOLD
Greely's autobiography, including the Lady Franklin
Bay Expedition.
071. [Greenland] Denmark. Min. for
Foreign Affairs. Press Department. Greenland. Ringkjobing: Royal
Danish Commission for Foreign Affairs, [nd ca1951]. Fine. Octavo. 167pp.
B&w illustrations in text from photos, and one colour (map). Pictorial
wrappers designed by A. Sikker Hansen. Translated by Reginald Spink.
40.00 SOLD
Compilation of historical essays by
various authors including "East Greenland" by Ejnar Mikkelsen and "The
Scientific Exploration of Greenland" by Gunnar Seidenfaden.
Signed Grenfell Calendar
072. Grenfell, Sir Wilfred. [1932 Calendar].
Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd., [1931]. 52 leaves (printed one side only).
Very good. 1932 calendar complete in original unbleached paper covered
boards with tipped-on colour illustration by B. Gribble, and
illustrations (one page) from photos of Labrador and Newfoundland by H.
T. E et al with quotations from the writings of Grenfell. Complete with
folding support. Signed by Grenfell on front cover. See image. 150.00
"Sold for the benefit of Sir Wilfred
Grenfell's Labrador Work."
073. [Grenfell, Wilfred T.]
Mathews, Basil. Wilfred Grenfell the Master - Mariner. A Life of
Adventure on Sea and Ice. London: S. W. Partridge & Co., 1935.
Reprint. Small Octavo. 190,[1]pp. 4 plates from drawings by and photos.
Light blue cloth, gift inscription on front free endpaper; dust jacket
chipped at head of spine and along top edge of rear wrapper, else a
nice, bright example of an uncommon dust jacket. See image. 75.00

074. [H.M.S. Discovery]. [Uniform
Button]. London: Firmin & Son Ltd., [nd]. Fine. Silver & Brass button with
anchor and entwined rope and "Discovery" along bottom edge. See image.

Original owner Job. Clarke - cooks
mate Midroom Staff? on the HMS Discovery, 1902-04, during Scott's first
Antarctic voyage.
075. Hantzsch, Bernhard Adolph.
My Life Among the Eskimos: Baffinland Journeys in the Years 1909-1911.
Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1977. 1st Edition.
Fine. Quarto. xxii,395pp. Illustrations in text from photos, and large
folding map laid in loose. Pictorial stiff card wrappers. Edited and
Translated by Leslie H. Neatby. 50.00
A translation of the original German
version of Hantzsch's travelogue. At the time of the expedition, the
area was largely unknown, and it was Hantzsch's aim to explore the
southern portion of Baffin Island. By chance, he arrived at a time when
its native population still lived, in large measure, in the same manner
of their forefathers.
076. Hayes, J. Gordon. The
Conquest of the North Pole. Recent Arctic Exploration. New York:
MacMillan Co., 1934. 1st Us Edition from sheets of the London
Edition. Very good. Octavo. 317pp. + [3]pp. (publisher's ads). 16 plates
from photos, 8 illustrations (sketch maps - 2 double-paged) in text, and
three folding maps. Blue cloth, spine slightly faded; Name on front free
endpaper; a clean tight copy with only minimal fading to covers. 60.00
Arctic Bibl. 6800. Review & summary of
Arctic activity 1909 -34.
077. Hayes, J. Gordon. The
Conquest of the South Pole. Antarctic Exploration 1906-1931. London:
Thornton Butterworth Ltd., 1932. 1st Edition. Very good.
Octavo. 318pp. + [2]pp. (publisher's ads). Plates from photos, and
illustrations in text from drawings, including maps and diagrams. Gilt
lettered gray/blue cloth with some fading; previous owner's name on
front endpaper with a few pencil notations, in margins. 75.00
Rosove 164.A1.d. Spence 575. Written
to supplement & up-date H. R. Mills’ "The Siege of the South Pole",
078. Hermelo, Ricardo S. With
Felipe Fleiss & Jose M. Sobral. When the Corvette Uruguay Was
Dismasted. The Return of the Uruguay from the Antarctic in 1903.
Santa Monica, California: Adelie Books, 2004. 1st English
Translation limited to 250 copies. Fine. Octavo. 19pp. + 2 leaves
(Appendix and Bibliography). Colour frontispiece and b&w illustrations
in text. Quarter gray cloth and marbled endpapers. Inscribed by the
editor on half-title. Edited By Michael H. Rosove. Translated by
Gricelda and Lawrence Perales. 75.00
Inscribed and Signed Copy - Rare
079. Hoppin, B. A Diary Kept While with the Peary
Arctic Expedition of 1896 [Caption Title]. Privately Printed for the
Author, 1897. 1st Edition. 1st issue. Fine.
Octavo. 80pp. One plate and one map. Flexible pebbled black cloth;
Inscribed and signed by author, June 1897 with several manuscript
corrections in the author's hands, and a note on the fate of some bear
cubs on blank (at end). Rare. 1,750.00SOLD
Arctic Bibl. 7401. A very scarce and
privately printed account, apparently given to friends by Hoppin, who
was the mineralogist on the expedition.
080. Howay, F. W. (editor). The
Dixon-Meares Controversy. Containing Remarks on the Voyages of John
Meares by George Dixon, an Answer to Mr. George Dixon, by John Meares,
and Further Remarks on the Voyages of John Meares, by George Dixon.
Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1929. 1st Edition ltd. to 500 copies
(450 for subscribers). Octavo. xii-[xvi],156pp. Fine. Frontispiece
(map), and facsimile illustrations in text. Blue cloth, blue top edge,
others uncut; minor fading to spine and along top edge of rear board.
Copy #161. 125.00SOLD
Reprints the three pamphlets published
by George Dixon and John Meares 1790-1.
081. Huntford, Roland. Nansen.
The Explorer As Hero. London: Duckworth, 1997. 1st
Edition. Fine in dust jacket. Octavo. Illustrations (sketch maps) in
text. Burgundy cloth. Review copy. Uncommon in hardcover format. 150.00
082. Hyrst, H.W. G. Adventures
in the Arctic Regions. Romantic Incidents & Perils of Travel, Sport, and
Exploration Around the Poles. London: Seeley and Co. Ltd., 1911. 1st
Edition. Very good. Octavo. xi,13-320pp. 16 plates from illustrations by
John T. Campbell. Decorative cloth with front free endpaper ads (both
sides), and Prize bookplate on front paste down. See image. 100.00
Juvenile, recounting episodes of
exploration in the Arctic and Antarctic regions, including the search
for Franklin.
083. James, David. Scott of the
Antarctic. The Film and Its Production. London: Convoy Publications,
1948. 1st Edition. 12mo. 151pp. 8 plates from photos,
illustrations from drawings (sketch maps), and charts. Green boards,
minor wear to extremities, in worn dust jacket; previous owner's name,
and a few pencil notations. Intro by John Mills. 50.00
Spence 624.
084. [Jeannette Court of Inquiry].
Proceedings of a Court of Inquiry Convened at the Navy Department,
Washington, D. C., October 5, 1882, in Pursuance of a Joint Resolution
of Congress Approved August 8, 1882, to Investigate the Circumstances of
the Loss in the Arctic Seas of the Exploring Steamer "Jeanette," Etc.
Washington: GPO, 1883. 1st Edition. Very good. Octavo.
2p.l.,iii,[3]-363pp. 15 folding plates, plans and maps. Pebbled blue
cloth. Very Scarce. 1,250.00
Not in Arctic Bibl. An essential document for the
history of this tragic American expedition.
085. [Kane, Elisha Kent]. Token
[Obverse Side] U.S.N.S. Bust of Kane U. S. Naval Oceanographic Office
[Reverse Side] Elisha Kent Kane 1820-1857 Discoverer of the Kennedy
Channel and the Kane Basin. [nd]. Very good. Aluminum Commemorative
Token. 75.00
086. [Kane, Elisha Kent].
[Carte de Viste]. New York: E. Anthony, 1861. Very good. Carte de
Viste (approx. 10.2x6.2 cm) mounted on card with bust profile of Kane,
taken from a photographic negative in Brady's National Portrait Galley.
087. [Kane, Elisha Kent].
[Carte de Viste]. New York: E. Anthony, c1861. Very good. Carte de
Viste (approx. 10.2x6.2 cm) mounted on card with Kane in profile from a
photographic negative taken in Brady's National Portrait Galley. See
image. 150.00SOLD

Phone: (403) 282-5832. Fax: (403) 289-0814. Email:
Aquila@Aquilabooks.com |
088. King, J. C. H. and Henrietta
Lidchi. (Editors). Imaging the Arctic. Seattle / Vancouver:
University of Washington Press / UBC Press, 1998. 1st
Edition. Fine. Quarto. 256pp. Numerous illustrations in text from
photos, , maps, facsimiles, etc. Pictorial stiff card covers. 45.00
089. [Klondike]. [Commemorative
Spoon] "Struck It at Last" Dawson Y.T. [nd ca1900-1910]. 16cm long
bronze gilt commemorative spoon engraved Dawson Y.T. on shovel with
handle designed as a sourdough with large nugget in his left hand and
resting on shovel with right arm. 100.00SOLD

090. [Klondike] Adney, Tappan.
The Klondike Stampede. New York & London: Harper & Bros, 1900. 1st
Edition. Near fine. Octavo. xiii,471pp. Many photo illustrations
including folding panoramas. Red cloth with gilt lettered spine and
black lettered and ruled front board; advertising adhesive stamp on
front free end paper, else a fine copy. 300.00
Arctic Bibl. 55 - "Journalist's
account of the gold rush to the Yukon in 1897-98, with informative
chapters on trails, dogs and dog driving, mining methods, and social
conditions in Dawson." Quite scarce.
091. [Klondike] Crewe, Fred.
Poems of Klondyke's Early Days and Alaska's Long White Trail.
Milwaukee, Wis.: North American Press, 1921. 1st Edition.
Very good. Oblong Narrow Octavo. Unpaginated. Numerous photos of the
Klondyke Stampede taken in 1897-98. Gilt lettered full calf binding, all
edges gilt. Nice copy of a work often worn and chipped. See image.

092. [Klondike] Dawson, Si. The 1898 Stock Drive
to the Yukon [Cover Title]. Privately Printed, [nd]. Very good.
Quarto. 2p.l.,153pp. 2 plates from photos, and map with route to
Klondike outlined in red. Clear plastic cover and green paper rear
wrapper. 125.00SOLD
Transcripts of Si (Siria Milton)
Dawson's letters and diary kept on a trip undertaken with his two
brothers Gus and Manley, in April of 1898 with 900 head of sheep and 20
horses, after Gus had reconnoitered the route in February the same year.
093. [Klondike] Kirk, Robert C.
Twelve Months in Klondike. London: William Heinemann, 1899. 1st
Edition. Very good. 12mo (approx. 19cm tall). xii,273pp. Plates and
illustrations in text from photos and sketch map. Black lettered gray
cloth; endpapers browned, spine darkened with some wear to extremities,
a clean copy of an uncommon title. Name on front free endpaper. 250.00
Arctic Bibl. 8741. "Story of the
Klondike Gold Rush, 1897, with description of the White and Chilkoot
Pass trails, of Dawson, the gold fields, dogs and other means of
transportation, ...". |
094. [Klondike] La Roche, F.
Photographic Views En Route to the Klondike Via the Skaguay and Dyea
Trails Comprising a Series of Photographs Showing the Klondike As It
Really Is.... Picturesque Lake Linderman: The Famous Chilkoot Pass Route
Over the Mountains: Fording the Rapids and Incidents of Camp Life in the
Placer Mines of Alaska. Chicago / New York: W. B. Conkey Co., 1897.
1st Edition. Very good. Oblong Quarto. 3p.l. + Plates.
Frontispiece portrait + 50 plates (complete with captions) from photos.
Beveled edge green cloth with gilt lettered front. 650.00
"... Including accurate and authentic
views portraying the method of packing supplies by horses, burros, dogs
and oxen; manner of towing provisions up the rivers; freighting by
095. [Klondike] MacDonald,
Alexander. The White Trail. A Story of the Early Days of Klondike.
Toronto: the Musson Book Co., 1908. 1st Canadian Edition.
Near fine in good+ dust jacket. Thick Octavo. vi-[xi],[11]-392pp.
Illustrations, including frontispiece, from drawings by William Rainey.
Pictorial blue cloth, all edges green with coated grey endpapers; in the
rare dust jacket with minor chipping along top and bottom edges and
transfer of red dye to rear wrapper. 350.00SOLD
096. MacGregor, J. G. Peter
Fidler: Canada's Forgotten Surveyor 1769-1822. Toronto: McClelland
and Stewart Ltd., 1966. 1st Edition. Very good in dust
jacket. Octavo. xix,265pp. 4 plates and illustrations (sketch maps) in
text. Green cloth with endpaper maps. 85.00
Important HBC Surveyor who laid the framework for all
maps of Western Canada arrived in the prairies in 1792, and help build
the first HBC posts in Alberta.
Presentation Copy from MacFarlane to Edward A. Preble,
097. Mair, Charles. Through the MacKenzie Basin -
a Narrative of the Athabasca and Peace River Treaty Expedition of 1899.
Also - Notes of the Mammals and Birds of Northern Canada by R.
MacFarlane. Toronto: William Briggs, 1908. 1st Edition.
Very good. Octavo. . 494pp. + tipped in errata (opp. p.8). Frontispiece
(portrait) and plates from photos, and folding map (coloured in
outline), showing territory ceded under Treaty No. 8 and the Indian
tribes therein. Half brown morocco and marbled boards with matching
endpapers, and gilt top edge. Presentation copy with bookplate on front
pastedown from MacFarlane to Edward A[lexander] Preble (1871-1957) noted
naturalist and conservationist who conducted major field explorations of
the birds and mammals in the northwest regions of Canada and the United
States. Corner professionally repaired. 250.00
Peel (3rd Edition) 2462. Charles Mair
(1838-1927), a civil servant and poet, served as English secretary
during the negotiations with the Peace River Indians in 1899; Roderick
Ross MacFarlane 1833-1920), fur trader, retired as chief factor with
H.B.C. In 1894.
098. [Meares, John]. The
Memorial of John Mears to the House of Commons Respecting the Capture of
Vessels in Nootka Sound. Portland, Oregon: Metropolitan Press,
Publishers, 1933. 1st Edition thus ltd. to 300 numbered
copies. Fine. Octavo. [xiv]pp. + 92pp. + limitation leaf. One plate
(facsimile title page). Original black cloth with paper spine label.
Copy #265/300. Intro and notes by Nellie B. Pipes. 100.00
099. [Menzies, Archibald] Newcombe,
C. F. (Editor) Menzies' Journal of Vancouver's Voyage. April to
October, 1792. Victoria, B. C.: Archives of British Columbia, 1923.
1st Edition. Very good. Octavo. xx,171pp. Plates, facsimiles,
and 2 maps. Uncut in beveled edge beige cloth with photo (6.5 x 10cm.)
of Editor Dr. C. F. Newcombe tipped-in; inscribed by John Forsyth
(Librarian and Archivist) on front free endpaper. Bookplate on front
pastedown. 1,000.00
Strathern 365. Containing the portion
of Menzies' journal dealing with Vancouver Island and Puget Sound.
Edited, with Botanical and Ethnological Notes, by C. F. Newcombe, M.D.,
and a Biographical Note by J. Forsyth. Series: Archives of British
Columbia. Memoir No.V.

100. Munn, Captain Henry Toke.
Tales of the Eskimo. Being Impressions of a Strenuous, Indomitable, and
Cheerful Little People. London and Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers,
Ltd., [nd]. Small Octavo (approx. 19.2cm tall). 196pp. Plates from
photos by the author. Blue cloth; foxing to endpapers, edges, and leaves
adjacent to plates. Dust jacket soiled but complete, not price clipped.
Very scarce thus. See image. 175.00SOLD
Arctic Bibl. 1855. - "Tales (including
tall tales) from the author's sojourn among Baffin Island Eskimos about
101. Newfoundland. Department of
Natural Resources. Summary of the Staff, Policies & Activities of the
Department of Natural Resources St. John's, Nfld. St. John's,
Newfoundland: [Newfoundland Dept of Natural Resources], 1945. Narrow
Folio. [ii],[100] leaves (printed one side only). 4 colour maps, and
tables. Blue cloth tape backed coated boards. Rare mimeographed report,
probably for internal use only. 200.00
102. [Newfoundland] Pilot, Rev.
William. Geography of Newfoundland for the Use of Schools. London
and Glasgow: William Collins, Sons, & Co. Ltd., 1906. 6th
Edition. Very good. 12mo (approximately 18.5cm tall). 64pp. Folding
colour map (frontispiece) and illustrations in text (some full paged).
Blue cloth, endpapers and adjacent leaves toned with name on front
pastedown. Manuscript correction in margin re population for 1921 with
electoral table crossed out. Very scarce. 200.00

In Rare Dust Jackets!
103. Nordenskiold, Otto. With J. Gunnar Andersson, C.
A. Larsen & C. Skottsberg. Antarctic Zwei Jahre in Schnee Und Eis Am
Sudpol. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen), 1904. 1st
German Translation. Very good in dust jackets. Two Volumes Octavo.
xxiii,373;vi,406,[iii]pp. 6 plates, including frontispiece portrait in
each volume, and 4 maps (2 folding). Decorative teal cloth with minor
foxing to edges, else a bright, clean copy in the rare dust jackets,
toned and chipped at head of spine of volume 2. See image. 1,350.00SOLD
Spence 857. First German translation
of the narrative of the Swedish South Polar Expedition, 1901-1904, which
wintered at Snow Hill island on the east side of the Antarctic
Peninsula. The expedition ship "Antarctica," operating independently was
crushed in the ice and the crew forced to winter at Paulet Island.
104. O'Reilly, Bernard.
Greenland the Adjacent Seas, and the North-West Passage to the Pacific
Ocean, Illustrated in a Voyage to Davis's Strait, During the Summer of
1817. London: Printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1818. 1st
Edition. Very good. Quarto. vi,[2],293pp. 3 engraved charts
(frontispiece and 2 folding), and 18 engraved plates. Uncut in old cloth
with gilt lettered morocco spine label; a clean copy with occasional
offsetting from plates, and light foxing to frontispiece and last three
leaves. 2,000.00
Arctic. Bibl. 12852. "Based ... On
observations made by the author while surgeon on a whaling ship; ... It
contains chapters on the ancient history of Greenland, its natives, on
arctic zoology, whaling, a Northwest Passage, Disko, etc."
105. [Oates, Captain Lawrence
Edward Grace] Leeds Parish Church. A Service in Commemoration of
Captain Lawrence Edward Grace Oates Born 17th March, 1880, Died 17th
March, 1912 When Serving with Captain Scott's Antarctic Expedition.
Sunday, 18th March, 1962 at 3.15 P.M. [Cover Title]. [Leeds]: Leeds
Parish Church, 1962. Very good. Octavo. [7]pp. Self-wrappers, stapled as
issued. Horizontal crease from single fold; a clean copy. 60.00SOLD
106. [Operation Deepfreeze]. A
Pictorial Antarctica Operation Deepfreeze 1963 [Cover Title]. U.S.
Navy, [nd ca1963]. Very good. 14 - 5x7" b&w photographs (including a
cartoon and one mounted on front cover) with 2 mimeographed leaves - A:
table of contents and B: a transcript of a message from John F. Kennedy
(White House) to all Antarctic Bases. Together bound in unbleached stiff
card covers. 250.00SOLD
107. Owen, Roderic. The Fate of
Franklin. London: Hutchinson of London, 1978. 1st
Edition. Octavo. 471pp. Plates from photos, facsimiles, etc, and
illustrations in text (including maps). Blue cloth with endpaper maps;
slightly shelf worn; with stamp on half title in dust jacket. 75.00
"The life and mysterious death of the
most heroic of Arctic explorers." Uncommon, not published in the U.S.
108. Parijanine, Maurice. The
Krassin. New York: MacAulay Co., 1929. 2nd Printing. Very
good in dust jacket. Octavo. 216pp. + [2]pp. (ads). Plates from photos.
Beige cloth; minor wear to head and foot of spine; dust jacket chipped
at bottom of spine with faint tide line along bottom edge of rear
wrapper. Translated with an Introduction by Lawrence Brown. 35.00
Arctic Bibl. 13112. An account of the
Russian icebreaker "Krassin's participation in the search for Nobile
after the crash of the airship "Italia".
109. Parry, William Edward. One
and Half Page Manuscript Note Dated 8th January 1855 Greenwich Hospital
to Reverend Wm. Valentine and Signed W Parry. Department of the
Interior, 1855. Very good. Notepaper (approx. 17.7 x 22.5cm) folded
once. Pasted to stiff card. 375.00
Parry writes to Rev’d Wm. Valentine
from his sickbed, in reply to a communication received " … that it has
pleased God to afflict me with a painful complaint …" and goes on to say
that basically he is confined to bed or a couch in his house incapable
of business or exertion.
110. Pearse, Theed. Birds of
the Early Explorers in the Northern Pacific. Comox, B.C.: Privately
Printed by the Author, 1968. 1st Edition. Fine in dust
jacket. Octavo. 275pp. Navy blue cloth, endpaper maps and dust jacket.
Not illustrated. 25.00

In Rare Dust Jacket!
111. Peary, Robert E. The North Pole. Its
Discovery in 1909 Under the Auspices of the Peary Arctic Club. New
York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1910. 1st Trade Edition.
Very good in dust jacket. Octavo. xxxii,373pp. 8 colour plates including
frontispiece, and numerous b&w plates (both sides) from photos,
illustrations in text from facsimiles, etc., and folding colour map (at
end). Decorated blue cloth with gilt top edge; Title page a bit toned;
minor foxing to leaves adjacent to plates; minor stain to foredge, a
clean copy in the rare dust jacket. See image. 500.00SOLD
Arctic Bibl. 13230. The first trade
edition, in the preferred decorated binding.

112. [Peary, Robert E.]. [Toby Jug]
"Peary". Germany: [nd]. Very good. 12.5cm tall ceramic jug of Peary
with his famous mustache clothed in fur coat, hat with mittens,
identified along bottom edge "Peary". See image. 250.00
113. Pergameni, Charles. A
L'assaut Du Pole Sud, Notes D'histoire de la Geographie Contemporaine
[Caption Title]. Bruxelles: Imp. Alex. Berqueman, 1912. 1st
Separate Printing. Very good. Octavo. 16pp. Original light gray
wrappers, stapled as issued. Correction on front cover and 1st page in
manuscript. Small chip lower right hand corner front wrapper else a
clean copy of a fragile item. 100.00SOLD
Not in Spence.
114. [Ponting, Herbert G.] Paul
Popper Photographic Agency. 24 of the Finest Original Photographs
Taken During Capt. Scott's Expedition to the South Pole [Cover Title].
London: Paul Popper Photographic Agency, [nd]. (Folder) [6]pp. Very
good. Single sheet (approximately 20x28.8cm) folded twice into narrow
Octavo with illustrations from photos (21 taken by Ponting and 3 by
Lieut. Bowers). 100.00SOLD
Rare Signed Real Photo Postcard
115. [Priestley, Capt. R. E.]. [Real Photo
Postcard]. Tewkesbury: S. E. Organ, [nd ca1910]. Fine. Vertical
orientation real photo postcard (approx. 13.5x8.5cm) with white border
and embossed photographer's stamp in lower left hand corner. Signed on
image. See image. 400.00SOLD

116. Prowse, D. W. A History of
Newfoundland from the English, Colonial, and Foreign Records [With] A
History of the Churches in Newfoundland by Various Writers. A Supplement
to a History of Newfoundland. London: MacMillan and Co., 1895. 1st
Edition. Small Quarto. xxiii,742;[ii],56pp. Plates, illustrations and
folding colour map (at end). Blue cloth; minor damp stain to lower inner
margin and tear in map at end. 500.00
O'Dea 1144a. "Extracts from documents
appended to each chapter ... Bibliography of books, mss., plans, records
and newspapers: p. 661-691".
117. Reader's Digest.
Antarctica. Great Stories from the Frozen Continent. Surry Hills,
N.S.W.: Reader's Digest, 1985. 1st Edition. Fine in dust
jacket. Quarto. 320pp. Numerous b&w and colour illustrations in text
from photos, maps, facsimiles, etc. Pictorial boards and black
endpapers. 50.00
118. Richards, R. W. The Ross
Sea Shore Party 1914-17. Cambridge: Scott Polar Research Institute,
1962. 1st Edition. Fine in dust jacket. Octavo. [viii],44pp.
Two plates and one map. Burgundy cloth; Very scarce in the dust jacket.
Rosove 269.A1; Spence 969. Author's
account of the Ross Sea shore party, of the Imperial Trans-Antarctic
Expedition, 1914 -1917. Series: Scott Polar Research Institute. Special
Publications Number 2.
119. Richardson, Sir John.
Arctic Searching Expedition: A Journal of a Boat-Voyage Through Rupert's
Land and the Arctic Sea, in Search of the Discovery Ships Under Command
of Sir John Franklin. With an Appendix of the Physical Geography of
North America. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1851. 1st
Edition in 2 volumes. Very good. Octavo. vii,426;viii,413pp. 10 colour
lithograph plates (incl. frontispiece - each volume), wood engraved
illustrations in text, and folding map (partly coloured in outline -
opposite p.1 volume I). Original blindstamped mauve cloth and coated
yellow endpapers; Occasional light foxing, plates exceptionally clean
and bright with some professional restoration to extremities and head
and foot of spines. 3,250.00SOLD
Arctic Bibl. 14489. An account of the Franklin Search
expedition, led by Sir John Richardson and Dr. John Rae, down the
MacKenzie, then eastward along the coast to the Coppermine River,
returning overland to Fort Confidence in 1848, and Rae's journey down
the Coppermine in the summer of 1849. Includes chapters on the Eskimos,
Kutchin, Cree and Chipewyan Indians.
120. [Royal Canadian Mounted
Police]. "G" Division: Organization and Composition [Cover Title.
[nd]. Very good. Octavo. [116]pp. Original wrappers with stamp of
previous owner's name on front blank. Small doodle on front cover, else
a clean copy. 75.00
Chapter Eleven. Western Arctic
Sub-Division (taken from a larger work)
121. Sabine, Captain Edward.
Remarks on the Account of the Late Voyage of Discovery to Baffin's Bay.
London: Printed by Richard and Arthur Taylor for John Booth, 1819. 1st
Edition. Very good. Small Octavo (approx. 20cm tall). 40pp. One table in
text. Full maroon flexible leather and marbled endpapers. Remains of
stamp and small hole in title page, repaired with no loss. Rare.
Not in Arctic Bibl. Captain Edward
Sabine of the Royal Artillery was assigned to the Isabella to conduct
scientific observations on Ross's voyage which confirmed Baffins'
earlier discoveries, and the coastline of Baffin Island. The Crocker
Mountains became a point of heated debate between Ross and Parry, Barrow
and Sabine. Sabine in his pamphlet accuses Ross of plagiarism and
misrepresenting his opinions. DCB.
122. Scholes, Arthur. Seventh
Continent. Saga of Australasian Exploration in Antarctica 1895 - 1950.
London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1953. 1st Edition. Very
good in dust jacket. Octavo. 226,[2]pp. Frontispiece and 8 plates (both
sides) from photos, 2 illustrations (sketch maps) in text, and folding
map (at end). Tan cloth; Name on front free endpaper, and few notations
in pencil in margins, else a clean tight copy.
Spence 1035.
Rare Jeannette Expedition Item
123. Schuetze, William Henry. William Henry
Schuetze. Chicago: Printed for Private Circulation by the Lakeside
Press, 1903. 1st Edition limited to 180 copies. Very good.
Octavo. x,165pp. Frontispiece portrait, 8 plates, 1 illustration in
text, and 2 maps. Gilt lettered decorated blue cloth and blue endpapers,
gilt top edge, others uncut. Rare. See image. 750.00

Not in Arctic Bibl. Published
posthumously, with a biographical sketch by William McAdoo. William
Henry Schuetze (1853-1902) served in the Spanish-American war with
distinction and traveled twice to Siberia to search for survivors of the
Jeannette expedition in 1882, then again in 1885 to dole out gifts to
the natives.
124. [Scoresby, Captain William]
Dellenbaugh, Frederick S. Seven Log-Books Concerning the Arctic
Voyages of Captain William Scoresby, Senior of Whitby, England.
Introductory Brochure + Log Books Numbers One-Seven [Total 8 Volumes].
New York: The Explorers Club, 1916-1917. 1st Printing
Facsimile Edition. Very good. Eight Folio volumes in original marbled
paper covered boards with tipped-in colour and b&w plates, maps,
facsimiles, etc. + illustrations in text in Introductory Brochure.
Institutional hand stamps on front and inside front covers and title
page, else a generally clean copy. Very scarce. 6,500.00
Not in Arctic Bibl. Issued in
facsimile by the Explorers Club of New York, with reproductions in color
of portraits in oils of Captain William Scoresby, Senior and of Captain
William Scoresby, Junior, D.D.
125. Scoresby, William An Account of the Arctic
Regions with a History and Description of the Northern Whale-Fishery.
Edinburgh: Printed for Archibald and Co. Edinburgh, 1820. 1st
Edition in 2 volumes. Very good. Octavo. xx,551,82;viii,574pp. + [2]pp.
(publisher's ads). 2 folding engraved frontispieces + 18 engraved
plates, 4 maps (3 folding), and tables (3 folding). Quarter calf and
marbled boards. A clean set with some minor offsetting from a few
plates. See image. 2,850.00

Arctic Bibl. 15610. "Nineteenth
century classic on whaling, geography and natural history of northern
waters." Appendices include meteorological tables; a chronological list
of voyages, 1861-1819; list of plants found in Spitsbergen; Acts of
Parliament regarding whaling; dimensions of whaling ships; etc.
126. Scott, Captain Robert F.
The Voyage of the Discovery. London: John Murray, 1905. John Murray
Reissue of the 2nd Smith Elder Impression with cancel title
pages [nd issued ca1916]. Very good. Octavo. xix,[1],556;xii,508pp. 2
photogravure plates (frontispiece in each volume) colour plates, b&w
plates from photos ( double-paged) and maps (2 folding in rear pockets).
Blue cloth, uncut; spines slightly faded with minor shelf wear; name of
previous owner on front free endpapers, with his notes in pencil in
margins and on endpapers. Wilfred Whyte’s copy. 750.00
Rosove 286.A4; Spence 1048. Of the 2nd
Smith, Elder Impression the consensus is that there were 1000 copies of
which there were probably 500 copies bearing imprint of Smith, Elder and
500 with the John Murray Imprint. Scott's first Antarctic expedition in
the ship "Discovery", originally conceived, promoted, launched by, and
its leader chosen by Sir Clements Markham. It was the first expedition
to do extensive land exploration on the continent and a furthest south
by a sledge party that reached 82 16' S.
Signed by L. Hussey
127. Scott, J. M. (editor). The Polar Regions. An
Anthology of Arctic and Antarctic Photographs. London: Chatto &
Windus, [nd ca1934]. Very good in dust jacket. Octavo. [xii],100pp.
Illustrations from photos. Signed by L. Hussey on p. 43 ("Sledge Dogs")
with notations in his hand, and name of dog "Samson" noted at top of
page. Original blue cloth; Covers with slight bow else a clean copy in
the uncommon dust jacket. Edited, with an introduction by J. M. Scott.
Spence 1043. An anthology of photographs.
128. Seebohm, Henry. The Birds
of Siberia. A Record of a Naturalist's Visits to the Valleys of the
Petchora and Venesei. London: John Murray, 1901. 1st
Edition. Very good. Small Quarto. xix,512pp. Engraved illustrations in
text, and folding coloured map (at end) showing the author's routes.
Decorated cloth, gilt top edge; Some scattered light foxing to endpapers
and edges, generally a clean tight copy. 200.00
Arctic Bibl. 15670 "Narrative of the
author's two Siberian expeditions, the first in 1875 to the Pechora, and
the second, 1877, to the Yenisey. The results were published as "Siberia
in Europe", 1880, and "Siberia in Asia", 1882. The present volume,
published posthumously, contains the substance of the two earlier works
129. Service, Robert W. Rhymes
of a Rolling Stone. Toronto: William Briggs, 1912. 1st
Illustrated Canadian Edition. Very good in dust jacket. Octavo. 195pp.
15 plates, including titled tissue guards. Gilt lettered green cloth,
gilt top edge, others uncut; A bright copy in the scarce dust jacket
with minor wear to extremities and head of spine; previous owner’s name.
See image. 400.00

Mitham (Robert W. Service. A Bibliography) # A4.b
130. [Service, Robert W.]
Landahl's Emporium. Scenes from the Land of the Midnight Sun. Yukon
and Alaska. Dawson, Y.T.: Landahl's Emporium, [nd ca1908]. Oblong
Octavo. [39]pp. Captioned illustrations from photos + 5 tissue guards
printed with excerpts from prose by Robert W. Service (4 + excerpt on
front cover) and Arnold F. George (1). Original string tied illustrated
black wrappers; edges ragged with some chipping at head and foot of
spine, light soiling internally. Very scarce. 650.00
Mitham (Service) J2. Photographs
include street scenes of Dawson in 1899, the Chilkoot Pass, steamers,
dredging, buildings etc. Service excerpts from "The Law of the Yukon,"
"The Call of the Wild," and "The Spell of the Yukon".
Rare Shackelton Programme
131. [Shackleton, E. H.] The Lecture Agency.
Souvenir of Lecture "Nearest the South Pole," ... [Caption Title].
Bristol: Printed by Geo. Gordon & Son, [nd ca1909]. Very good. Narrow
Octavo. [8]pp. New red wrappers with oval portrait pasted on front and
illustrations in text from photos (including portrait) and map. See
image. 400.00SOLD
Includes a list of towns and cities
with dates of the tour 1909-10 "Under the Sole Management of the Lecture
Agency, Ltd., …."
In the Rare Dust Jacket
132. Shackleton, Sir Ernest. South: The Story of
Shackelton's Last Expedition 1914-1917. New York: The MacMillan
Company, 1920. 1st American Edition. Very good dust jacket.
Octavo. xx,[1],380pp. Colour frontispiece with titled tissue guard, b&w
plates from photos, illustrations in text, and folding map (at end).
Gilt lettered green cloth in the rare dust jacket with some minor
chipping along bottom edge. See image. Sold
Rosove 308.B1; Spence 1109.
Shackleton's own narrative of the "Endurance" expedition and the attempt
to cross the Antarctic continent.
133. Simpson, Alexander. The
Life and Travels of Thomas Simpson. The Arctic Discoverer, by His
Brother. London: Richard Bentley, 1845. 1st Edition. Very
good. Octavo. viii,424pp. Engraved frontispiece portrait and folding
map. Blind stamped brown cloth and coated yellow endpapers; Spine
slightly faded with minor foxing to preliminaries; else a clean copy in
the original binding. Very scarce thus. 1,250.00SOLD
AB 16116. Includes a detailed account
of Dease & Simpson's explorations along the Arctic coast of America, and
Simpson's mysterious death. "Simpson was an explorer who could translate
an overwhelming resolution by amazing personal exertion into magnificent
achievement. Back is a man to admire, Simpson one to marvel at." -
Mirsky, "To the Arctic!"
134. Siple, Paul A. General
Principles Governing Selection of Clothing for Cold Climates [Caption
Title]. U.S. Antarctic Service, 1942. (Typescript) Very good.
Quarto. 2p.l.,45pp. 3 plates from diagrams, charts. Self-wrappers,
stapled as issued; Some toning to external leaves. Very Scarce. 150.00
135. Smith, R. D. Hilton.
Northwestern Approaches. The First Century of Books. Victoria, B.C.:
the Adelphi Book Shop Ltd., 1969. 1st Edition limited to 750
copies. Fine. Octavo. 67pp. Plates from facsimiles of title pages and
plates. Gilt lettered illustrated simulated brown leather. Foreword by
Samuel Rothstein. 30.00
Includes a check list of books (at
Signed by L. C. Bernacchi
136. [Southern Cross] [Borchgrevink, Carsten Egebert.
– Edited by Lankester, E. Ray and Jeffrey Bell] Report on the
Collections of Natural History Made in the Antarctic Regions During the
Voyage of the "Southern Cross". London: British Museum Printed by
Order of the Trustees, 1902. 1st Edition. Very good. Octavo.
ix,344pp. 9 color litho plates and 44 engraved plates (at end), and
illustrations in text. Small stain in lower corner of some plates, not
objectionable. Green cloth; head and foot of spine restored; top right
hand corner bumped, else a clean copy signed by L. C. Bernacchi (end of
preface). Stefansson's copy with his bookplate and one other on front
pastedown. 3,000.00

Rosove 46.A1; Spence 968. The British
Antarctic Expedition of 1898-1900, led by Carstens Borchgrevink, was the
first to winter over on the Antarctic continent. A narrative of the
expedition by Borchgrevink was published in London in 1901 as "First on
the Antarctic Continent."
Phone: (403) 282-5832. Fax: (403) 289-0814. Email:
Aquila@Aquilabooks.com |
137. Sutherland, Patricia
(editor). The Franklin Era in Canadian Arctic History 1845-1859.
Ottawa: National Museum of Man, 1985. 1st Edition. Fine.
Quarto. x,220pp. Illustrations in text from photos and drawings
(including maps). Illustrated orange wrappers. 75.00
Volume of sixteen papers based on the
proceedings of the "the Franklin Era in Canadian Arctic History,
1845-59" including a bibliographical introduction by Alan Cooke, the
search in 19th century art by Constance Martin, John R. Bockstoce on the
search in Alaska for Franklin; private search expeditions by Hugh N.
Wallace; the Parry Channel by T. C. Pullen; and contributions by Owen
Beattie, Joe MacInnis, among others.
138. Taylor, Andrew. Arctic
Blue Books. British Parliamentary Papers on Exploration in the Canadian
North [Cover Title]. [Washington]: U.S. Government Printing Office,
1959. 1st Separate Printing. Fine. Octavo. 36pp. Off-white
wrappers, stapled as issued. 25.00
Reprinted from Arctic Bibliography
vol. VIII.
139. Taylor, Andrew.
Geographical Discovery and Exploration in the Queen Elizabeth Islands.
Ottawa: Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, 1955. 1st
Edition. Near fine. Octavo. vii,172pp. Frontispiece, plates from
facsimiles, and illustrations in text (maps). Stiff card covers; name in
ink on front cover. 50.00
A history of exploration from before
1800, to 20th century Canadian explorations up to Henry A. Larsen
1940-44, including the dawn of the golden age of Arctic Exploration,
Franklin's voyage and the search expeditions in the Queen Elizabeth
Islands, the assault of the North Pole, and post Franklin British and
Foreign expeditions.
Rare Signed Real Photo Postcard
140. [Taylor, Griffith]. [Real Photo Postcard].
Tewkesbury: S. E. Organ, [nd ca1910]. Fine. Vertical orientation real
photo postcard (approx. 13.5x8.5cm) with white border and photographer's
blindstamp in lower left hand corner. Signed on image. See image. 400.00SOLD

141. [Taylor, Griffith] Hanley,
Wayne S. (editor). The Griffith Taylor Collection. Diaries and
Letters of a Geographer in Antarctica. [Armidale, N.S.W.: Geography
Dept., University of New England, 1979]. 1st Edition. Very good. Quarto.
[iv],232pp. Illustrations in text from facsimiles, maps, etc. Black
cloth tape backed illustrated blue wrappers. Very scarce. 100.00SOLD
Phone: (403) 282-5832. Fax: (403) 289-0814. Email:
Expedition Letterhead Signed by Members
142. [Trans-Antarctic Expedition]. Expedition
Letterhead Signed by Members of the Expedition. [nd]. Very good. One
sheet (approximately 21.7 x 19.5cm) signed by 19 members of the
expedition including George Lowe, Edmund Hillary and the leader Vivian
Fuchs. Vertical centre crease from fold with some damage to right hand
side when removed from book. Rare. 500.00
At head: "Patron Her Majesty the Queen
/ the Trans-Antarctic Expedition / ... / 64, Victoria Street, London,
S.W. 1. / ...".
Signed by George Lowe
143. [Trans-Antarctic Expedition]. The
Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1956 - 1958 [Cover Title]. London:
Printed by L. Delow & Co. Ltd., [nd ca1958]. Very good. Quarto. [20]pp.
Illustrations from photos (including ads) and one map. Original
pictorial self-wrappers, stapled as issued. Signed by George Lowe -
photographer on the expedition. 100.00SOLD
144. [Vanity Fair Print] "Franz
Josef Land" [Sir George Jackson]. London: Vanity Fair, 1897. Very
good. Colour Lithograph Print (approx. 38x26cm) by ‘Spy.’ Nice clean
example. 150.00
145. [Vanity Fair Print].
"Alleno" [Sir Allen Young]. London: Vanity Fair, 1877. Fine. Colour
Lithograph Print (approx. 38x26cm) by ‘Ape. Dated Dec. 15, 1877. Crisp,
clean example. 200.00 Series: Men of the Day. No. 167.
146. [Vanity Fair Print].
"The South Pole" [Lieutenant Shackleton]. London: Vanity Fair, [nd
ca1909] Colour Lithograph Print (approx. 38 x 26cm) by ‘Kite.’. Minor
soiling to margins with crease in lower corner not affecting image,
wonderful for framing. 200.00 SOLD |
147. United States Coast & Geodetic Survey. North
West Coast of America and Inland Passages from Olympia, Washington to
Mt. St. Elias, Alaska. U.S.C. & G.S., 1891. (Map) Very good. Sheet
(approximately 168 x 56cm) sectioned and backed on linen and folded to
Octavo (approximately 23x14.5cm) into quarter leather backed marbled
boards with recent gilt lettered label on front. Bookplate of Edward W.
Allen on front paste down; spine restored. 600.00
148. [Whaling] Ferguson, Robert.
Arctic Harpooner. A Voyage on the Schooner Abbie Bradford 1878-1879.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1938. 1st
Edition. Octavo. x,[2],216pp. Illustrations in text by Paul Quinn.
Silver metallic blue cloth and endpaper maps; dust jacket spine a bit
faded else a nice copy, uncommon thus. Edited By Leslie Dalrymple Stair.
Fifteen months on the Abbie Bradford.
149. [Whaling] Solyanik, A.
Cruising in the Antarctic. An Account of the Seventh Cruise of the Slava
Whaling Flotilla. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1956.
1st English Translation. Very good. Small Octavo (approx.
19.6cm tall). 76pp. Frontispiece portrait from photo. Pictorial wrappers
with illustrated French flaps from drawings; Minor wear to head and foot
of spine. Quite uncommon. 75.00SOLD
150. White, James. Ninth Report
of the Geographic Board of Canada 1910. Part II Place-Names in Quebec
[With] Part III Place-Names-Thousand Islands St. Lawrence River [With]
Part IV Place-Names-Northern Canada. [Ottawa]: King's Printer, 1910.
1st Edition. Very good. Octavo. pp:153-455pp. Five large
colour folding maps in rear pocket, several tears in Quebec map, else
very good. Author’s Complimentary copy, names on endpaper including
Douglas Leechman. Green cloth. 250.00
Part IV includes "Expeditions to
Waters of Northern Canada and to Hudson Bay, 1576-1910 p.237-270; "List
of Explorers, Hudson Bay and Waters of Northern Canada" p.271-299;
"Ships Referred to in List of 'Arctic' Officers" p.300-309 and
bibliography of principal works consulted. Series: [Canada] Sessional
Papers - 21A Pts.2-4
Manuscript of Siberian Railway Journey
151. Whyte, Sir William. Observations of Sir
William Whyte in Russia 1901 [Cover Title]. Very good. Octavo.
10,43,7,24 leaves (one side only). Carbon copies of typed manuscript
account of a journey taken on the Trans-Siberian railway for T. G.
Shaughnessy, President of the Canadian Pacific Railway, bound in grey
cloth. 750.00
Sir William Whyte (1843-1914)
immigrated to Canada in 1863 and obtained employment with the Grand
Trunk Railway. Rising through the company he became Assistant
Superintendent of its Central Division before moving to the Ontario and
Quebec Railway as General Superintendent. A year later the company was
taken over by the Canadian Pacific and Whyte quickly found himself
transferred to Winnipeg as Superintendent of the CPR's western division
where he was instrumental in the expansion and growth of the railway in
conjunction with the influx of settlers, before retiring in 1911 as Vice
President of the Western lines. The present work is an account of his
journey made over the Trans-Siberian Railway and the information he
collected including details of the communities along the line, prices of
commodities and manufactured goods, etc
Rare Signed Real Photo Postcard
152. [Wild, Frank]. [Real Photo Postcard].
Tewkesbury: S. E. Organ, [nd ca 1910]. Very good. Vertical orientation
real photo postcard (approx. 13.5x8.5cm) with white border and
photographer's blindstamp in lower left hand corner. Signed on image.
See image. 400.00SOLD

153. Wyld, James. Chart of the
Arctic Regions from the Admiralty Surveys. London: James Wyld
Geographer to the Queen, [nd ca1848]. Very good. 38cm dia. Map colored
in Outline on sheet (approx. 41x45cm) folded to narrow 16mo
(approximately 16.5cm tall) in original diced cloth with paper label,
and publisher's ad on front pastedown. Minor restoration else a nice
polar map in the original cloth folder. See image.

154. Young, G. O. Alaskan Trophies Won and Lost.
Boston: Christopher Publishing House, 1928. 1st Edition. Very good.
Octavo. 248pp. Plates from photos and folding map. Maroon cloth; Several
discreet hand stamps on endpapers, else a clean, tight copy of the
scarce first edition. 850.00SOLD
Ricks p.264; Tourville 4992. Account
of a hunting expedition by three men with little northern experience,
into the interior of Alaska and the Yukon in 1919 and their harrowing
escape from disaster.
155. [Yukon] the Whitehorse Star.
Carcross and Atlin Have First Visit from Airship! Queen of the Yukon
First Plane to Visit Important Northern Towns. Whitehorse, Yukon:
The Whitehorse Star, 1928. Matted and framed issue of "The Whitehorse
Star" April 13, 1928 folded once with two postal hand stamps in margins
front page, and 25¢ airmail stamp (Yukon Airways & Exploration Co.
Ltd.). Browned as usual; split along fold. See image. 150.00

"Queen of the Yukon" first flight to
Atlin, B.C., Canada.
156. [Alaska] Wickersham, James. A Bibliography of
Alaskan Literature 1724-1924. Containing the Titles of All Histories,
Travels, Voyages, Newspapers, Periodicals, Public Documents, Etc.
Printed in English, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Etc., Relating to,
Descriptive of, or Published in Russian America or Alaska, from 1724 to
and Including 1924. [With] Wickersham: The Man at Home. By JoAnne Wold.
Fairbanks, Alaska: Alaska Agricultural College and School of Mines.,
1927. Near Fine. 1st Edition. 2 items Octavo. xxvii,635pp. Original blue
cloth. + Illustrated pamphlet in original illustrated wrappers.
Biographical pamphlet published by Fairbanks: Tanana-Yukon Historical
Society, 1981. IV,27,[1]pp. Series: Miscellaneous Publications. Vol. 1.
Rare Search For Franklin Pamphlet
157. M'Clure, Capt. Robert L. M. The North-West
Passage. Capt. M'Clure's Despatches from Her Majesty's Discovery Ship.
"Investigator," Off Point Warren and Cape Bathurst. London: John
Betts, 115, Strand, 1853. 1st Edition. Fine Octavo. 48pp. (including
3pp. ads). Folding map. In modern marbled boards with gilt lettered dark
blue morocco spine; bookplate of Frederic E. Ellis on front pastedown.
Rare.6,000.00 SOLD

Arctic Bibl. 10565. "The three despatches chronicle
the activities of the vessel from Cape Bathurst, 1850, to Mercy Bay
where the crew abandoned ship, 1853. Includes description of ice
conditions in the Canadian Arctic waters around Banks Island and in
M'Clure Strait, and mention of exploration carried out." |
158. McKee, Lanier. The Land on Nome. A Narrative
Sketch of the Rush to Our Bering Sea Gold-Fields, the Country, Its Mines
and Its People, and the History of a Great Conspiracy 1900-1901. New
York: The Grafton Press, c1902. Very Good. Octavo. ix,[3],260pp. Map (at
end) "Copy, reduced scale, of Map used on Tour from Nome to Chinick,
White Mountains, Council City, and beyond, and return, June 22 - July 6,
1900.". Original gilt lettered forest green cloth, rebacked with
original spine laid down; name written in ink top of title page. 375.00
Tourville 2915; Wickersham 1541. |
N.B. Always Buying!
We are always interested in purchasing polar
collections, large or small, and individual items of significance. We
can now also offer clients an alternative option of selling their
collection of Polar Books or Travel & Exploration through ‘Discovery
Book Auctions.’ I would be happy to discuss any individual needs.
Phone: (403) 282-5832. Fax: (403) 289-0814. Email:
Aquila@Aquilabooks.com |
Updated June 24, 2008 |